{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, NoMonomorphismRestriction, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, TupleSections, DeriveDataTypeable, BangPatterns #-}

-- | This module defines the representation of Subtyping and WF Constraints, and 
-- the code for syntax-directed constraint generation. 

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Constraint (
    -- * Constraint information output by generator 
    CGInfo (..)
    -- * Source information associated with each constraint
  , Cinfo (..)

    -- * Function that does the actual generation
  , generateConstraints
  -- * KVars in constraints, for debug purposes
  -- , kvars, kvars'
  ) where

import CoreSyn
import SrcLoc           
import Type             -- (coreEqType)
import PrelNames
import qualified TyCon as TC

import TypeRep 
import Class            (Class, className)
import PrelInfo         (isNumericClass)
import Var
import Id
import Name             (getSrcSpan)
import Outputable   hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad.State

import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Applicative      ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid              (mconcat)
import Data.Maybe               (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet        as S
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List (foldl')

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.CTags      as Tg
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Fixpoint   as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Annotate
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcInterface
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.PredType         hiding (freeTyVars) 
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Predicates
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcMisc          (tickSrcSpan, hasBaseTypeVar)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Qualifier        
import Control.DeepSeq

------------- Constraint Generation: Toplevel -------------------------

generateConstraints :: GhcInfo -> CGInfo
generateConstraints info = {-# SCC "ConsGen" #-} execState act $ initCGI info
  where act = consAct (info {cbs = fst pds}) (snd pds)
        pds = generatePredicates info

consAct info penv
  = do γ   <- initEnv info penv
       foldM consCB γ (cbs info)
       hcs <- hsCs  <$> get 
       hws <- hsWfs <$> get
       fcs <- concat <$> mapM splitC hcs 
       fws <- concat <$> mapM splitW hws
       modify $ \st -> st { fixCs = fcs } { fixWfs = fws }

initEnv :: GhcInfo -> F.SEnv PrType -> CG CGEnv  
initEnv info penv
  = do defaults <- forM (impVars info) $ \x -> liftM (x,) (trueTy $ varType x)
       tyi      <- tyConInfo <$> get 
       let f0    = grty info          -- asserted refinements     (for defined vars)
       let f1    = defaults           -- default TOP reftype      (for all vars) 
       let f2    = assm info          -- assumed refinements      (for imported vars)
       let f3    = ctor $ spec info   -- constructor refinements  (for measures) 
       let bs    = (map (unifyts' tyi penv)) <$> [f0, f1, f2, f3]
       let γ0    = measEnv (spec info) penv (head bs) (cbs info)
       foldM (++=) γ0 [("initEnv", x, y) | (x, y) <- concat bs]
       -- return    $ foldl' (++=) γ0 [("initEnv", x, y) | (x, y) <- concat bs] 

unifyts' tyi penv = (second (addTyConInfo tyi)) . (unifyts penv)

unifyts penv (x, t) = (x', unify pt t)
 where pt = F.lookupSEnv x' penv
       x' = varSymbol x

measEnv sp penv xts cbs
  = CGE { loc   = noSrcSpan
        , renv  = fromListREnv   $ second uRType          <$> meas sp 
        , syenv = F.fromListSEnv $ freeSyms sp 
        , penv  = penv 
        , fenv  = F.emptyIBindEnv -- F.fromListSEnv $ second (rTypeSortedReft tce) <$> meas sp 
        , recs  = S.empty 
        , invs  = mkRTyConInv    $ invariants sp
        , grtys = fromListREnv xts 
        , emb   = tce 
        , tgEnv = Tg.makeTagEnv cbs
        , tgKey = Nothing
    where tce = tcEmbeds sp

assm = {- traceShow ("****** assm *****\n") . -} assm_grty impVars 
grty = {- traceShow ("****** grty *****\n") . -} assm_grty defVars

assm_grty f info = [ (x, {- toReft <$> -} t) | (x, t) <- sigs, x `S.member` xs ] 
  where xs   = S.fromList $ f info 
        sigs = tySigs $ spec info  

-- | Helpers: Reading/Extending Environment Bindings -------------------

data CGEnv 
  = CGE { loc    :: !SrcSpan           -- ^ Location in original source file
        , renv   :: !REnv              -- ^ SpecTypes for Bindings in scope
        , syenv  :: !(F.SEnv Var)      -- ^ Map from free Symbols (e.g. datacons) to Var
        , penv   :: !(F.SEnv PrType)   -- ^ PrTypes for top-level bindings (merge with renv) 
        , fenv   :: !F.IBindEnv        -- ^ Integer Keys for Fixpoint Environment
        , recs   :: !(S.HashSet Var)   -- ^ recursive defs being processed (for annotations)
        , invs   :: !RTyConInv         -- ^ Datatype invariants 
        , grtys  :: !REnv              -- ^ Top-level variables with (assert)-guarantees to verify
        , emb    :: F.TCEmb TC.TyCon   -- ^ How to embed GHC Tycons into fixpoint sorts
        , tgEnv :: !Tg.TagEnv          -- ^ Map from top-level binders to fixpoint tag
        , tgKey :: !(Maybe Tg.TagKey)  -- ^ Current top-level binder
        } -- deriving (Data, Typeable)

instance Outputable CGEnv where
  ppr = ppr . renv

instance Show CGEnv where
  show = showPpr

getTag :: CGEnv -> F.Tag
getTag γ = maybe Tg.defaultTag (`Tg.getTag` (tgEnv γ)) (tgKey γ)

getPrType :: CGEnv -> F.Symbol -> Maybe PrType
getPrType γ x = F.lookupSEnv x (penv γ)

setLoc :: CGEnv -> SrcSpan -> CGEnv
γ `setLoc` src 
  | isGoodSrcSpan src = γ { loc = src } 
  | otherwise         = γ

withRecs :: CGEnv -> [Var] -> CGEnv 
withRecs γ xs  = γ { recs = foldl' (flip S.insert) (recs γ) xs }

setBind :: CGEnv -> Tg.TagKey -> CGEnv  
setBind γ k 
  | Tg.memTagEnv k (tgEnv γ) = γ { tgKey = Just k }
  | otherwise                = γ

isGeneric :: RTyVar -> SpecType -> Bool
isGeneric α t =  all (\(c, α') -> (α'/=α) || isOrd c || isEq c ) (classConstrs t)
  where classConstrs t = [(c, α') | (c, ts) <- tyClasses t
                                  , t'      <- ts
                                  , α'      <- freeTyVars t']
        isOrd          = (ordClassName ==) . className
        isEq           = (eqClassName ==) . className

-- isBase :: RType a -> Bool
isBase (RVar _ _)       = True
isBase (RApp _ ts _ _)  = all isBase ts
isBase (RFun _ t1 t2 _) = isBase t1 && isBase t2
isBase _                = False

rTyVarSymbol (RTV α) = typeUniqueSymbol $ TyVarTy α

------------------- Constraints: Types --------------------------

newtype Cinfo = Ci SrcSpan deriving (Eq, Ord) 

data SubC     = SubC { senv  :: !CGEnv
                     , lhs   :: !SpecType
                     , rhs   :: !SpecType 

data WfC      = WfC  !CGEnv !SpecType 
              -- deriving (Data, Typeable)

type FixSubC  = F.SubC Cinfo
type FixWfC   = F.WfC Cinfo

instance Outputable SubC where
  ppr c = ppr (senv c) <> blankLine 
          $+$ ((text " |- ") <+>   ( (ppr (lhs c)) 
                                  $+$ text "<:" 
                                  $+$ (ppr (rhs c))))
          $+$ blankLine
          $+$ blankLine

instance Outputable WfC where
  ppr (WfC w r)    = ppr w <> blankLine <> text " |- " <> ppr r <> blankLine <> blankLine 

instance Outputable Cinfo where
  ppr (Ci src) = ppr src

--instance Outputable a => Outputable (F.SubC a) where
--  -- ppr (F.SubC {F.sinfo = s}) = text "Liquid Type Error: " <> ppr s
--  ppr
--instance Outputable a => Outputable (F.WfC a) where
--  ppr (F.SubC {F.sinfo = s}) = text "Liquid Type Error: " <> ppr s

------------------- Constraint Splitting -------------------

splitW ::  WfC -> CG [FixWfC]

splitW (WfC γ t@(RFun x t1 t2 _)) 
  =  do ws   <- bsplitW γ t
        ws'  <- splitW (WfC γ t1) 
        γ'   <- (γ, "splitW") += (x, t1)
        ws'' <- splitW (WfC γ' t2)
        return $ ws ++ ws' ++ ws''

splitW (WfC γ (RAllT _ r)) 
  = splitW (WfC γ r)

splitW (WfC γ (RAllP _ r)) 
  = splitW (WfC γ r)

splitW (WfC γ t@(RVar _ _))
  = bsplitW γ t 

splitW (WfC _ (RCls _ _))
  = return []

splitW (WfC γ t@(RApp _ ts rs _))
  =  do ws   <- bsplitW γ t 
        γ'    <- γ `extendEnvWithVV` t 
        ws'  <- concat <$> mapM splitW (map (WfC γ') ts)
        ws'' <- concat <$> mapM (rsplitW γ) rs
        return $ ws ++ ws' ++ ws''

splitW (WfC _ t) 
  = errorstar $ "splitW cannot handle: " ++ showPpr t

rsplitW _ (RMono _)  = errorstar "Constrains: rsplitW for RMono"
rsplitW γ (RPoly t0) = splitW $ WfC γ t0

bsplitW γ t
  = do map <- refsymbols <$> get 
       γ'  <- foldM (++=) γ [("rsplitC", x, lookup map x) | x <- fSyms t]
       return $ bsplitW' γ' $ fmap dropSyms t
  where errormsg x   = errorstar $ "Constraint: bsplitW not found " ++ show x
        lookup map x = fromMaybe (errormsg x) (F.lookupSEnv x map)

bsplitW' :: CGEnv -> SpecType -> [FixWfC]
bsplitW' γ t 
  | F.isNonTrivialSortedReft r'
  = [F.wfC (fenv γ) r' Nothing ci] 
  | otherwise
  = []
  where r' = rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t
        ci = (Ci (loc γ))

mkSortedReft tce = F.RR . rTypeSort tce

splitC :: SubC -> CG [FixSubC]

splitC (SubC γ (REx x tx t1) (REx x2 _ t2))
  = do γ' <- (γ, "addExBind 0") += (x, existentialRefType γ tx)
       assert (x == x2) $ splitC (SubC γ' t1 t2)

splitC (SubC γ (REx x tx t1) t2) 
  = do γ' <- (γ, "addExBind 1") += (x, existentialRefType γ tx)
       splitC (SubC γ' t1 t2)

splitC (SubC γ t1 (REx x tx t2))
  = do γ' <- (γ, "addExBind 2") += (x, existentialRefType γ tx)
       splitC (SubC γ' t1 t2)

splitC (SubC γ t1@(RFun x1 r1 r1' _) t2@(RFun x2 r2 r2' _)) 
  =  do cs       <- bsplitC γ t1 t2 
        cs'      <- splitC  (SubC γ r2 r1) 
        γ'       <- (γ, "splitC") += (x2, r2) 
        let r1x2' = r1' `F.subst1` (x1, F.EVar x2) 
        cs''     <- splitC  (SubC γ' r1x2' r2') 
        return    $ cs ++ cs' ++ cs''

splitC (SubC γ t1 (RAllP p t))
  = splitC $ SubC γ t1 t'
  where t' = fmap (replacePredsWithRefs su) t
        su = (uPVar p, pVartoRConc p)

splitC (SubC _ t1@(RAllP _ _) t2) 
  = errorstar $ "Predicate in lhs of constrain:" ++ showPpr t1 ++ "\n<:\n" ++ showPpr t2
--   = splitC $ SubC γ t' t2
--   where t' = fmap (replacePredsWithRefs su) t
--        su = (uPVar p, pVartoRConc p)

splitC (SubC γ (RAllT α1 t1) (RAllT α2 t2))
  |  α1 ==  α2 
  = splitC $ SubC γ t1 t2
  | otherwise   
  = splitC $ SubC γ t1 t2' 
  where t2' = subsTyVar_meet' (α2, RVar α1 top) t2

splitC (SubC γ t1@(RApp _ _ _ _) t2@(RApp _ _ _ _))
  = do (t1',t2') <- unifyVV t1 t2
       cs    <- bsplitC γ t1' t2'
       γ'    <- γ `extendEnvWithVV` t1' 
       symss <- refsymbols <$> get
       let RApp c  t1s r1s _ = t1'
       let RApp c' t2s r2s _ = t2'
       mapM addRefSymbolsRef (safeZip "addRef1" (rTyConPs c ) r1s)
       mapM addRefSymbolsRef (safeZip "addRef2" (rTyConPs c') r2s)
       cs'   <- concat <$> mapM splitC (zipWith (SubC γ') t1s t2s)
       cs''  <- concat <$> mapM (rsplitC γ) (safeZip "rsplitC" r1s r2s)
       modify $ \s -> s{refsymbols = symss}
       return $ cs ++ cs' ++ cs''

splitC (SubC γ t1@(RVar a1 _) t2@(RVar a2 _)) 
  | a1 == a2
  = bsplitC γ t1 t2

splitC (SubC _ (RCls c1 _) (RCls c2 _)) | c1 == c2
  = return []

splitC c@(SubC _ _ _) 
  = errorstar $ "(Another Broken Test!!!) splitc unexpected: " ++ showPpr c

bsplitC γ t1 t2
  = do map <- refsymbols <$> get 
       γ'  <-  foldM (++=) γ [("rsplitC1", x, lookup map x) | x <- fSyms t2]
       let su = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip (fSyms t1) (fSyms t2)]
       return $ bsplitC' γ' (F.subst su t1') t2'
  where t1'          = fmap dropSyms t1
        t2'          = fmap dropSyms t2
        lookup map x = fromMaybe (errormsg x) (F.lookupSEnv x map)
        errormsg x   = errorstar $ "Not found " ++ showPpr x

bsplitC' γ t1 t2 
  | F.isFunctionSortedReft r1' && F.isNonTrivialSortedReft r2'
  = [F.subC γ' F.PTrue (r1' {F.sr_reft = top}) r2' Nothing tag ci]
  | F.isNonTrivialSortedReft r2'
  = [F.subC γ' F.PTrue r1'  r2' Nothing tag ci]
  | otherwise
  = []
  where γ'  = fenv γ
        r1' = rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t1
        r2' = rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t2
        ci  = Ci (loc γ)
        tag = getTag γ

-- unifyVV :: SpecType -> SpecType -> CG (SpecType, SpecType)
-- unifyVV t1 t2 = do z <- unifyVV' t1 t2 
--                   return $ traceShow ("unifyVV \nt1 = " ++ showPpr t1 ++ "\nt2 = " ++ showPpr t2) z 

unifyVV t1@(RApp c1 _ _ _) t2@(RApp c2 _ _ _)
  = do vv     <- (F.vv . Just) <$> fresh
       return  $ (shiftVV t1 vv,  (shiftVV t2 vv) ) -- {rt_pargs = r2s'})
--   where r2s' = F.subst psu <$> (rt_pargs t2) 
--         psu  = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip (rTyConPVars c2) (rTyConPVars c1), x /= y]
-- rTyConPVars c = [ x | pv <- rTyConPs c, (_,x,_) <- pargs pv ]

rsplitC _ (RMono _, RMono _) 
  = errorstar "RefTypes.rsplitC on RMono"

rsplitC γ (RPoly r1, RPoly r2)
  = do map <- refsymbols <$> get 
       γ'  <-  foldM (++=) γ [("rsplitC1", x, lookup map x) | x <- fSyms r2]
       splitC (SubC γ' (F.subst su r1') r2')
  where su = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y) | (x, y) <- zip (fSyms r1) (fSyms r2)]
        r1'          = fmap dropSyms r1
        r2'          = fmap dropSyms r2
        lookup map x = fromMaybe (errormsg x) (F.lookupSEnv x map)
        errormsg x   = errorstar $ "Not found " ++ showPpr x

rsplitC _ _  
  = errorstar "rsplit Rpoly - RMono"

-------------------- Generation: Types --------------------

data CGInfo = CGInfo { hsCs       :: ![SubC]
                     , hsWfs      :: ![WfC]
                     , fixCs      :: ![FixSubC]
                     , fixWfs     :: ![FixWfC]
                     , globals    :: !F.FEnv
                     , freshIndex :: !Integer 
                     , binds      :: !F.BindEnv 
                     , annotMap   :: !(AnnInfo Annot) 
                     , tyConInfo  :: !(M.HashMap TC.TyCon RTyCon) 
                     , specQuals  :: ![Qualifier]
                     , tyConEmbed :: !(F.TCEmb TC.TyCon)
                     , kuts       :: !(F.Kuts)
                     , lits       :: ![(F.Symbol, F.Sort)]
                     , refsymbols :: !(F.SEnv SpecType)
                     } -- deriving (Data, Typeable)

instance Outputable CGInfo where 
  ppr cgi =  {-# SCC "ppr_CGI" #-} ppr_CGInfo cgi

ppr_CGInfo cgi 
  =  (text "*********** Haskell SubConstraints ***********")
  $$ (ppr $ hsCs  cgi)
  $$ (text "*********** Haskell WFConstraints ************")
  $$ (ppr $ hsWfs cgi)
  $$ (text "*********** Fixpoint SubConstraints **********")
  $$ (ppr $ fixCs cgi)
  $$ (text "*********** Fixpoint WFConstraints ************")
  $$ (ppr $ fixWfs cgi)
  $$ (text "*********** Fixpoint Kut Variables ************")
  $$ (ppr $ kuts cgi)
  $$ (text "*********** Literals in Source     ************")
  $$ (ppr $ lits cgi)

type CG = State CGInfo

initCGI info = CGInfo {
    hsCs       = [] 
  , hsWfs      = [] 
  , fixCs      = []
  , fixWfs     = [] 
  , globals    = F.fromListSEnv . map (mapSnd (rTypeSortedReft (tcEmbeds spc))) $ meas spc
  , freshIndex = 0
  , binds      = F.emptyBindEnv
  , annotMap   = AI M.empty
  , tyConInfo  = makeTyConInfo $ tconsP spc
  , specQuals  = specificationQualifiers info
  , tyConEmbed = tce  
  , kuts       = F.ksEmpty 
  , lits       = coreBindLits tce info 
  , refsymbols = F.emptySEnv
  } where tce  = tcEmbeds $ spec info
          spc  = spec info

coreBindLits tce info
  = sortNub $ [ (x, so) | (_, F.ELit x so) <- lconsts]
           ++ [ (dconToSym dc, dconToSort dc) | dc <- dcons]
  where lconsts      = literalConst tce <$> literals (cbs info)
        dcons        = filter isLit $ impVars info
        dconToSort   = F.typeSort tce . expandTypeSynonyms . varType 
        dconToSym    = dataConSymbol . idDataCon
        isLit id     = isDataConWorkId id && not (hasBaseTypeVar id)

extendEnvWithVV γ t 
  | F.isNontrivialVV vv
  = (γ, "extVV") += (vv, t)
  | otherwise
  = return γ
  where vv = rTypeValueVar t

{- see tests/pos/polyfun for why you need everything in fixenv -} 
(++=) :: CGEnv -> (String, F.Symbol, SpecType) -> CG CGEnv
γ ++= (_, x, t') 
  = do idx   <- fresh
       let t  = normalize γ {-x-} idx t'  
       let γ' = γ { renv = insertREnv x t (renv γ) }  
       is    <- if isBase t 
                  then liftM single $ addBind x (rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t) 
                  else addClassBind t 
       return $ γ' { fenv = F.insertsIBindEnv is (fenv γ) }

(+=) :: (CGEnv, String) -> (F.Symbol, SpecType) -> CG CGEnv
(γ, msg) += (x, r)
  | x == F.dummySymbol
  = return γ
  | x `memberREnv` (renv γ)
  = err 
  | otherwise
  =  γ ++= (msg, x, r) 
  where err = errorstar $ msg ++ " Duplicate binding for " 
                              ++ F.symbolString x 
                              ++ "\n New: " ++ showPpr r
                              ++ "\n Old: " ++ showPpr (x `lookupREnv` (renv γ))
γ -= x =  γ {renv = deleteREnv x (renv γ)}

(?=) ::  CGEnv -> F.Symbol -> SpecType 
γ ?= x = fromMaybe err $ lookupREnv x (renv γ)
         where err = errorstar $ "EnvLookup: unknown " 
                               ++ showPpr x 
                               ++ " in renv " 
                               ++ showPpr (renv γ)

normalize' γ x idx t = traceShow ("normalize " ++ showPpr x ++ " idx = " ++ show idx ++ " t = " ++ showPpr t) $ normalize γ idx t

normalize γ idx 
  = addRTyConInv (invs γ) 
  . normalizeVV idx 
  . normalizePds

normalizeVV idx t@(RApp _ _ _ _)
  | not (F.isNontrivialVV (rTypeValueVar t))
  = shiftVV t (F.vv $ Just idx)

normalizeVV _ t 
  = t 

shiftVV t@(RApp _ ts _ r) vv' 
  = t { rt_args = F.subst1 ts (rTypeValueVar t, F.EVar vv') } 
      { rt_reft = (fFReft  (`F.shiftVV` vv')) <$> r }

shiftVV t _ 
  = t -- errorstar $ "shiftVV: cannot handle " ++ showPpr t

addRefSymbols ss
  = modify $ \s -> s{refsymbols = foldl' (\e (x, t) -> F.insertSEnv x t e) (refsymbols s) ss}

addRefSymbolsRef (π, RPoly t1)
  = addRefSymbols newSyms
  where newSyms = zip (fSyms t1) ((ofRSort . fst3) <$> pargs π)
addRefSymbolsRef (_, RMono _)
  = errorstar "Constraint.addRefSymbolsRef RMono"

addBind :: F.Symbol -> F.SortedReft -> CG F.BindId
addBind x r 
  = do st          <- get
       let (i, bs') = F.insertBindEnv x r (binds st)
       put          $ st { binds = bs' }
       return i -- traceShow ("addBind: " ++ showPpr x) i

addClassBind :: SpecType -> CG [F.BindId] -- F.FEnv -> F.FEnv
addClassBind (RCls c ts)
  | isNumericClass c
  = do let numReft = F.trueSortedReft F.FNum
       let numVars = [rTyVarSymbol a | (RVar a _) <- ts]
       is         <- forM numVars (`addBind` numReft)
       return is
addClassBind _ 
  = return [] 

addC :: SubC -> String -> CG ()  
addC !c@(SubC _ t1 t2) _ 
  = -- trace ("addC" ++ showPpr t1 ++ "\n <: \n" ++ showPpr t2 ) $
     modify $ \s -> s { hsCs  = c : (hsCs s) }

addW   :: WfC -> CG ()  
addW !w = modify $ \s -> s { hsWfs = w : (hsWfs s) }

-- | Used to generate "cut" kvars for fixpoint. Typically, KVars for recursive definitions.

addKuts :: SpecType -> CG ()
addKuts !t = modify $ \s -> s { kuts = {- tracePpr "KUTS: " $-} updKuts (kuts s) t }
  where updKuts :: F.Kuts -> SpecType -> F.Kuts
        updKuts = foldReft (F.ksUnion . (F.reftKVars . fromFReft  . ur_reft) )

-- | Used for annotation binders (i.e. at binder sites)

addIdA :: Var -> Annot -> CG ()
addIdA !x !t         = modify $ \s -> s { annotMap = upd $ annotMap s }
  where loc          = getSrcSpan x
        upd m@(AI z) = -- trace ("addIdA: " ++ show x ++ " :: " ++ showPpr t ++ " at " ++ show loc) $ 
                       addA loc (Just x) t m
                       --case traceShow ("addIdA: " ++ show x ++ " :: " ++ show t ++ " at " ++ show loc) $ M.lookup loc z of 
                       --  Just (_, (Left _)) -> m 
                       --  _                 -> addA loc (Just x) t m
                         -- if (loc `M.member` z) then m else addA loc (Just x) t m

-- | Used for annotating reads (i.e. at Var x sites) 

addLocA :: Maybe Var -> SrcSpan -> Annot -> CG ()
addLocA !xo !l !t 
  = modify $ \s -> s { annotMap = addA l xo t $ annotMap s }

-- | Used to update annotations for a location, due to (ghost) predicate applications

updateLocA (_:_)  (Just l) t = addLocA Nothing l (Use t)
updateLocA _      _        _ = return () 

addA !l !xo@(Just _)  !t !(AI m) 
  | isGoodSrcSpan l 
  = AI $ inserts l (xo, t) m
addA !l !xo@(Nothing) !t !(AI m) 
  | l `M.member` m  -- only spans known to be variables
  = AI $ inserts l (xo, t) m
addA _ _ _ !a 
  = a

------------------------ Generation: Freshness --------------------

-- | Right now, we generate NO new pvars. Rather than clutter code 
-- with `uRType` calls, put it in one place where the above invariant
-- is /obviously/ enforced.

freshTy   :: CoreExpr -> Type -> CG SpecType 
freshTy _ = liftM uRType . refresh . ofType 

-- To revert to the old setup, just do
-- freshTy_pretty = freshTy
-- freshTy_pretty e τ = refresh $ {-traceShow ("exprRefType: " ++ showPpr e) $-} exprRefType e
freshTy_pretty e _ = do t <- refresh $ {-traceShow ("exprRefType: " ++ showPpr e) $-} exprRefType e
                        return $ uRType t

-- TODO: remove freshRSort?
-- freshRSort :: CoreExpr -> RSort -> CG SpecType
-- freshRSort e = freshTy e . toType 

trueTy  :: Type -> CG SpecType
trueTy t 
  = do t   <- true $ ofType t
       tyi <- liftM tyConInfo get
       return $ addTyConInfo tyi (uRType t)

class Freshable a where
  fresh   :: CG a
  true    :: a -> CG a
  true    = return . id
  refresh :: a -> CG a
  refresh = return . id

instance Freshable Integer where
  fresh = do s <- get
             let n = freshIndex s
             put $ s { freshIndex = n + 1 }
             return n

instance Freshable F.Symbol where
  fresh = liftM (F.tempSymbol "x") fresh

instance Freshable (F.Refa) where
  fresh = liftM (`F.RKvar` F.emptySubst) freshK
    where freshK = liftM F.intKvar fresh

instance Freshable [F.Refa] where
  fresh = liftM single fresh

instance Freshable (F.Reft) where
  fresh                  = errorstar "fresh Reft"
  true    (F.Reft (v,_)) = return $ F.Reft (v, []) 
  refresh (F.Reft (_,_)) = liftM2 (curry F.Reft) freshVV fresh
    where freshVV        = liftM (F.vv . Just) fresh

instance Freshable FReft where
  fresh                   = errorstar "fresh FReft" 
  true    (FReft r)       = liftM FReft (true r)
  true    (FSReft s r)    = liftM (FSReft s) (true r)
  refresh (FReft r)       = liftM FReft (refresh r)
  refresh (FSReft s r)    = liftM (FSReft s) (refresh r)

instance Freshable RReft where
  fresh             = errorstar "fresh RReft"
  true (U r _)      = liftM uTop (true r)  
  refresh (U r _)   = liftM uTop (refresh r) 

instance Freshable RefType where
  fresh   = errorstar "fresh RefType"
  refresh = refreshRefType
  true    = trueRefType 

trueRefType (RAllT α t)       
  = liftM (RAllT α) (true t)
trueRefType (RAllP π t)       
  = liftM (RAllP π) (true t)
trueRefType (RFun _ t t' _)    
  = liftM3 rFun fresh (true t) (true t')
trueRefType (RApp c ts _ _)  
  = liftM (\ts -> RApp c ts truerefs top) (mapM true ts)
		where truerefs = (RPoly . ofRSort . ptype) <$> (rTyConPs c)
trueRefType t                
  = return t

refreshRefType (RAllT α t)       
  = liftM (RAllT α) (refresh t)
refreshRefType (RAllP π t)       
  = liftM (RAllP π) (refresh t)
refreshRefType (RFun b t t' _)
  | b == F.dummySymbol -- b == (RB F.dummySymbol)
  = liftM3 rFun fresh (refresh t) (refresh t')
  | otherwise
  = liftM2 (rFun b) (refresh t) (refresh t')
refreshRefType (RApp rc ts _ r)  
  = do tyi                 <- tyConInfo <$> get
       let RApp rc' _ rs _  = expandRApp tyi (RApp rc ts [] r)
       let rπs              = safeZip "refreshRef" rs (rTyConPs rc')
       liftM3 (RApp rc') (mapM refresh ts) (mapM refreshRef rπs) (refresh r)
refreshRefType (RVar a r)  
  = liftM (RVar a) (refresh r)
refreshRefType t                
  = return t

refreshRef (RPoly t, π) = RPoly <$> (refreshRefType t >>= addFreshArgs π)
refreshRef (RMono _, _) = errorstar "refreshRef: unexpected"

addFreshArgs π t
  = do args <- mapM (\_ -> fresh) πargs
       addRefSymbols $ zip args ((ofRSort . fst3)  <$> πargs)
       return $ fmap (addSyms args) t
  where πargs = pargs π

-- isBaseTyCon c
--   | c == intTyCon 
--   = True
--   | c == boolTyCon
--   = True
--   | otherwise
--   = False

addTyConInfo = mapBot . expandRApp

-------------------- Generation: Corebind -------------------------

consCB :: CGEnv -> CoreBind -> CG CGEnv 

consCB γ (Rec xes) 
  = do xets   <- forM xes $ \(x, e) -> liftM (x, e,) (varTemplate γ (x, Just e))
       let xts = [(x, to) | (x, _, to) <- xets, not (isGrty x)]
       γ'     <- foldM extender (γ `withRecs` (fst <$> xts)) xts
       mapM_ (consBind True γ') xets
       return γ' 
    where isGrty x = (varSymbol x) `memberREnv` (grtys γ)

consCB γ (NonRec x e)
  = do to  <- varTemplate γ (x, Nothing) 
       to' <- consBind False γ (x, e, to)
       extender γ (x, to')

consBind isRec γ (x, e, Just spect) 
  = do let γ' = (γ `setLoc` getSrcSpan x) `setBind` x
       γπ    <- foldM addPToEnv γ' πs
       t     <- consE γπ e
       addC (SubC γπ t spect) "consBind"
       addIdA x (defAnn isRec spect) 
       return Nothing
  where πs   = snd3 $ bkUniv spect

consBind isRec γ (x, e, Nothing) 
   = do t <- unifyVar γ x <$> consE (γ `setBind` x) e
        addIdA x (defAnn isRec t)
        return $ Just t

defAnn True  = RDf
defAnn False = Def

addPToEnv γ π
  = do γπ <- γ ++= ("addSpec1", pname π, toPredType π)
       foldM (++=) γπ [("addSpec2", x, ofRSort t) | (t, x, _) <- pargs π]

extender γ (x, Just t) = γ ++= ("extender", varSymbol x, t)
extender γ _           = return γ

addBinders γ0 x' cbs   = foldM (++=) (γ0 -= x') [("addBinders", x, t) | (x, t) <- cbs]

varTemplate :: CGEnv -> (Var, Maybe CoreExpr) -> CG (Maybe SpecType)
varTemplate γ (x, eo)
  = case (eo, lookupREnv (varSymbol x) (grtys γ)) of
      (_, Just t) -> return $ Just t
      (Just e, _) -> do t  <- unifyVar γ x <$> freshTy_pretty e (exprType e)
                        addW (WfC γ t)
                        addKuts t
                        return $ Just t
      (_,      _) -> return Nothing

unifyVar γ x rt = unify (getPrType γ (varSymbol x)) rt

-------------------- Generation: Expression -----------------------

----------------------- Type Checking -----------------------------
cconsE :: CGEnv -> Expr Var -> SpecType -> CG () 

cconsE γ (Let b e) t    
  = do γ'  <- consCB γ b
       cconsE γ' e t 

cconsE γ (Case e x _ cases) t 
  = do γ'  <- consCB γ $ NonRec x e
       forM_ cases $ cconsCase γ' x t nonDefAlts 
    where nonDefAlts = [a | (a, _, _) <- cases, a /= DEFAULT]

cconsE γ (Lam α e) (RAllT α' t) | isTyVar α 
  = cconsE γ e $ subsTyVar_meet' (α', rVar α) t 

cconsE γ (Lam x e) (RFun y ty t _) 
  | not (isTyVar x) 
  = do γ' <- (γ, "cconsE") += (varSymbol x, ty)
       cconsE γ' e (t `F.subst1` (y, F.EVar $ varSymbol x))
       addIdA x (Def ty) 

cconsE γ (Tick tt e) t   
  = cconsE (γ `setLoc` tt') e t
    where tt' = {- traceShow ("tickSrcSpan: e = " ++ showPpr e) $ -} tickSrcSpan tt

cconsE γ (Cast e _) t     
  = cconsE γ e t 

cconsE γ e (RAllP (p@(PV _ _ _)) t)
  = do s <- truePredRef p
       cconsE γ e (replacePreds "cconsE" t [(p, RPoly s)])

cconsE γ e t
  = do te  <- consE γ e
       te' <- instantiatePreds γ e te
       addC (SubC γ te' t) ("cconsE" ++ showPpr e)

instantiatePreds γ e (RAllP p t)
  = do s <- freshPredRef γ e p
       return $ replacePreds "consE" t [(p, RPoly s)] 
instantiatePreds _ _ t
  = return t

----------------------- Type Synthesis ----------------------------
consE :: CGEnv -> Expr Var -> CG SpecType 

consE γ (Var x)   
  = do addLocA (Just x) (loc γ) (varAnn γ x t)
       return t
    where t = varRefType γ x

consE γ (Lit c) 
  = return $ uRType $ literalFRefType (emb γ) c

consE γ (App e (Type τ)) 
  = do RAllT α te <- liftM (checkAll ("Non-all TyApp with expr", e)) $ consE γ e
       t          <- if isGeneric α te then freshTy e τ {- =>> addKuts -} else trueTy τ
       addW       $ WfC γ t
       return     $ subsTyVar_meet' (α, t) te

consE γ e'@(App e a) | eqType (exprType a) predType 
  = do t0 <- consE γ e
       case t0 of
         RAllP p t -> do s <- freshPredRef γ e' p
                         return $ replacePreds "consE" t [(p, RPoly s)] {- =>> addKuts -}
         _         -> return t0

consE γ e'@(App e a)               
  = do ([], πs, te)        <- bkUniv <$> consE γ e
       zs                  <- mapM (\π -> liftM ((π,) . RPoly) $ freshPredRef γ e' π) πs
       te'                 <- return (replacePreds "consE" te zs) {- =>> addKuts -}
       _                   <- updateLocA πs (exprLoc e) te' 
       let (RFun x tx t _) = checkFun ("Non-fun App with caller", e') te' 
       cconsE γ a tx 
       return $ maybe err (F.subst1 t . (x,)) (argExpr γ a)
    where err = errorstar $ "consE: App crashes on" ++ showPpr a 


consE γ (Lam α e) | isTyVar α 
  = liftM (RAllT (rTyVar α)) (consE γ e) 

consE γ  e@(Lam x e1) 
  = do tx     <- freshTy (Var x) τx 
       γ'     <- ((γ, "consE") += (varSymbol x, tx))
       t1     <- consE γ' e1
       addIdA x (Def tx) 
       addW   $ WfC γ tx 
       return $ rFun (varSymbol x) tx t1
    where FunTy τx _ = exprType e 

consE γ e@(Let _ _)       
  = cconsFreshE γ e

consE γ e@(Case _ _ _ _) 
  = cconsFreshE γ e

consE γ (Tick tt e)
  = do t <- consE (γ `setLoc` l) e
       addLocA Nothing l (Use t)
       return t
    where l = {- traceShow ("tickSrcSpan: e = " ++ showPpr e) $ -} tickSrcSpan tt

consE γ (Cast e _)      
  = consE γ e 

consE _ e	    
  = errorstar $ "consE cannot handle " ++ showPpr e

cconsFreshE γ e
  = do t   <- freshTy e $ exprType e
       addW $ WfC γ t
       cconsE γ e t
       return t

cconsCase :: CGEnv -> Var -> SpecType -> [AltCon] -> (AltCon, [Var], CoreExpr) -> CG ()

cconsCase γ x t _ (DataAlt c, ys, ce) 
 = do let cbs          = zip (x':ys') (xt:yts)
                    <- addBinders γ x' cbs
      cconsE  ce t
 where (x':ys')        = varSymbol <$> (x:ys)
       xt0             = checkTyCon ("checkTycon cconsCase", x) $ γ ?= x'
       tdc             = γ ?= (dataConSymbol c)
       (rtd, yts, _  ) = unfoldR tdc (shiftVV xt0 x') ys'
       r1              = dataConReft   c   ys' 
       r2              = dataConMsReft rtd ys'
       xt              = xt0 `strengthen` (uTop (r1 `meet` r2))

cconsCase γ x t acs (a, _, ce) 
  = do let x'  = varSymbol x
       let xt' = (γ ?= x') `strengthen` uTop (altReft γ acs a) 
            <- addBinders γ x' [(x', xt')]
       cconsE  ce t

altReft γ _ (LitAlt l)   = literalFReft (emb γ) l
altReft γ acs DEFAULT    = mconcat [notLiteralReft l | LitAlt l <- acs]
  where notLiteralReft   = toFReft . F.notExprReft . snd . literalConst (emb γ)
altReft _ _ _            = error "Constraint : altReft"

unfoldR td (RApp _ ts rs _) ys = (t3, yts, rt)
  where (vs, ps, t0)    = bkUniv td
        t1              = foldl' (flip subsTyVar_meet') t0 (zip vs ts)
        t2              = replacePreds "unfoldR" t1 $ safeZip "unfoldR" (reverse ps) rs
        (ys0, yts', rt) =  bkArrow t2
        (t3:yts)        = F.subst su <$> (t2:yts')
        su              = F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar y)| (x, y)<- zip ys0 ys]
unfoldR _  _                _  = error "Constraint.hs : unfoldR"

instance Show CoreExpr where
  show = showSDoc . ppr

checkTyCon _ t@(RApp _ _ _ _) = t
checkTyCon x t                = checkErr x t --errorstar $ showPpr x ++ "type: " ++ showPpr t

-- checkRPred _ t@(RAll _ _)     = t
-- checkRPred x t                = checkErr x t

checkFun _ t@(RFun _ _ _ _)   = t
checkFun x t                  = checkErr x t

checkAll _ t@(RAllT _ _)      = t
checkAll x t                  = checkErr x t

checkErr (msg, e) t          = errorstar $ msg ++ showPpr e ++ "type: " ++ showPpr t

varAnn γ x t 
  | x `S.member` recs γ
  = Loc (getSrcSpan' x) 
  | otherwise 
  = Use t

getSrcSpan' x 
  | loc == noSrcSpan
  = trace ("myGetSrcSpan: No Location for: " ++ showPpr x) $ loc
  | otherwise
  = loc
  where loc = getSrcSpan x

---------- Helpers: Creating Fresh Refinement ------------------ ------

truePredRef :: (Reftable r) => PVar (RRType r) -> CG SpecType
truePredRef (PV _ τ _)
  = trueTy (toType τ)

freshPredRef :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> PVar RSort -> CG SpecType
freshPredRef γ e (PV n τ as)
  = do t    <- freshTy e (toType τ)
       args <- mapM (\_ -> fresh) as
       let targs = zip args ((ofRSort . fst3) <$> as)
       addRefSymbols targs
       let t' = fmap (addSyms args) t
       γ' <- foldM (++=) γ [("freshPredRef", x, τ) | (x, τ) <- targs]
       addW $ WfC γ' t'
       return t'

---------- Helpers: Creating Refinement Types For Various Things ------

argExpr :: CGEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe F.Expr
argExpr _ (Var vy)    = Just $ F.EVar $ varSymbol vy
argExpr γ (Lit c)     = Just $ snd $ literalConst (emb γ) c
argExpr γ (Tick _ e)  = argExpr γ e
argExpr _ e           = errorstar $ "argExpr: " ++ (showPpr e)

varRefType γ x =  t 
  where t  = (γ ?= (varSymbol x)) `strengthen` xr
        xr = uTop $ toFReft $ F.symbolReft $ varSymbol x

-- TODO: should only expose/use subt. Not subsTyVar_meet
subsTyVar_meet' (α, t) = subsTyVar_meet (α, toRSort t, t)

--------------- Forcing Strictness ------------------------------------

instance NFData Cinfo 

instance NFData CGEnv where
  rnf (CGE x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 _ x9 x10) 
    = x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` seq x3 `seq` x4 `seq` rnf x5 `seq` 
      rnf x6  `seq` x7 `seq` rnf x8 `seq` rnf x9 `seq` rnf x10

instance NFData SubC where
  rnf (SubC x1 x2 x3) 
    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2 `seq` rnf x3

instance NFData Class where
  rnf _ = ()

instance NFData RTyCon where
  rnf _ = ()

instance NFData Type where 
  rnf _ = ()

instance NFData FReft where 
  rnf (FReft x)      = rnf x
  rnf (FSReft x1 x2) = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2

instance NFData WfC where
  rnf (WfC x1 x2)   
    = rnf x1 `seq` rnf x2

instance NFData CGInfo where
  rnf x = ({-# SCC "CGIrnf1" #-}  rnf (hsCs x))       `seq` 
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf2" #-}  rnf (hsWfs x))      `seq` 
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf3" #-}  rnf (fixCs x))      `seq` 
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf4" #-}  rnf (fixWfs x))     `seq` 
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf5" #-}  rnf (globals x))    `seq` 
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf6" #-}  rnf (freshIndex x)) `seq`
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf7" #-}  rnf (binds x))      `seq`
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf8" #-}  rnf (annotMap x))   `seq`
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf9" #-}  rnf (specQuals x))  `seq`
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf10" #-} rnf (kuts x))       `seq`
          ({-# SCC "CGIrnf10" #-} rnf (lits x)) 

--------------------- Reftypes from Fixpoint Expressions ----------------------

existentialRefType     :: CGEnv -> SpecType -> SpecType
existentialRefType γ t = t `strengthen` (uTop r') 
  where r'             = toFReft $ maybe top (exReft γ) ((F.isSingletonReft) (fromFReft r))
        r              = toFReft $ F.sr_reft $ rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t

exReft γ (F.EApp f es) = F.subst su $ F.sr_reft $ rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t
  where (xs,_ , t)     = bkArrow $ thd3 $ bkUniv $ exReftLookup γ f 
        su             = F.mkSubst $ safeZip "fExprRefType" xs es

exReft γ (F.EVar x)    = F.sr_reft $ rTypeSortedReft (emb γ) t 
  where (_,_ , t)      = bkArrow $ thd3 $ bkUniv $ exReftLookup γ x 

exReft _ e             = F.exprReft e 

exReftLookup γ x       = γ ?= x' 
  where x'             = fromMaybe err (varSymbol <$> F.lookupSEnv x γ')
        γ'             = syenv γ
        err            = errorstar $ "exReftLookup: unknown " ++ showPpr x ++ " in " ++ showPpr  γ'
-- withReft (RApp c ts rs _) r' = RApp c ts rs r' 
-- withReft (RVar a _) r'       = RVar a      r' 
-- withReft t _                 = t 

-------------------- Cleaner Signatures For Rec-bindings ----------------------

exprLoc                         :: CoreExpr -> Maybe SrcSpan

exprLoc (Tick tt _)             = Just $ tickSrcSpan tt
exprLoc (App e a) | isType a    = exprLoc e
exprLoc _                       = Nothing

isType (Type _)                 = True
isType a                        = eqType (exprType a) predType

exprRefType :: CoreExpr -> RefType 
exprRefType = exprRefType_ M.empty 

exprRefType_ :: M.HashMap Var RefType -> CoreExpr -> RefType 
exprRefType_ γ (Let b e) 
  = exprRefType_ (bindRefType_ γ b) e

exprRefType_ γ (Lam α e) | isTyVar α
  = RAllT (rTyVar α) (exprRefType_ γ e)

exprRefType_ γ (Lam x e) 
  = rFun (varSymbol x) (ofType $ varType x) (exprRefType_ γ e)

exprRefType_ γ (Tick _ e)
  = exprRefType_ γ e

exprRefType_ γ (Var x) 
  = M.lookupDefault (ofType $ varType x) x γ

exprRefType_ _ e
  = ofType $ exprType e

bindRefType_ γ (Rec xes)
  = extendγ γ [(x, exprRefType_ γ e) | (x,e) <- xes]

bindRefType_ γ (NonRec x e)
  = extendγ γ [(x, exprRefType_ γ e)]

extendγ γ xts
  = foldr (\(x,t) m -> M.insert x t m) γ xts

--------- | Strengthening Binders with TyCon Invariants -----------

type RTyConInv = M.HashMap RTyCon [SpecType]

mkRTyConInv    :: [SpecType] -> RTyConInv 
mkRTyConInv ts = group [ (c, t) | t@(RApp c _ _ _) <- strip <$> ts]
    strip      = thd3 . bkUniv 
-- type RTyConInv = M.HashMap RTyCon FReft

addRTyConInv :: RTyConInv -> SpecType -> SpecType
addRTyConInv m t@(RApp c _ _ _)
  = case M.lookup c m of
      Nothing -> t
      Just ts -> foldl' conjoinInvariant' t ts
  -- = fromMaybe t (conjoinInvariant' t <$> M.lookup c m)
addRTyConInv _ t 
  = t 

conjoinInvariant' t1 t2 = -- traceShow ("conjoinInvariant: t1 = " ++ showPpr t1 ++ " t2 = " ++ showPpr t2) $
                          conjoinInvariantShift t1 t2

conjoinInvariantShift t1 t2
  = conjoinInvariant t1 (shiftVV t2 (rTypeValueVar t1)) 

conjoinInvariant (RApp c ts rs r) (RApp ic its _ ir) 
  | (c == ic && length ts == length its)
  = RApp c (zipWith conjoinInvariantShift ts its) rs (r `meet` ir)

conjoinInvariant t@(RApp _ _ _ r) (RVar _ ir) 
  = t { rt_reft = r `meet` ir }

conjoinInvariant t@(RVar _ r) (RVar _ ir) 
  = t { rt_reft = r `meet` ir }

conjoinInvariant t _  
  = t

----- Refinement Type Environments ----------------------------

newtype REnv = REnv  (M.HashMap F.Symbol SpecType) -- deriving (Data, Typeable)

instance Outputable REnv where
  ppr (REnv m)         = vcat $ map pprxt $ M.toList m
    where pprxt (x, t) = ppr x <> dcolon <> ppr t  

instance NFData REnv where
  rnf (REnv _) = () -- rnf m

fromListREnv              = REnv . M.fromList
deleteREnv x (REnv env)   = REnv (M.delete x env)
insertREnv x y (REnv env) = REnv (M.insert x y env)
lookupREnv x (REnv env)   = M.lookup x env
memberREnv x (REnv env)   = M.member x env
-- domREnv (REnv env)        = M.keys env
-- emptyREnv                 = REnv M.empty