\( \require{color} \definecolor{kvcol}{RGB}{203,23,206} \definecolor{tycol}{RGB}{5,177,93} \definecolor{refcol}{RGB}{18,110,213} \newcommand{\quals}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\defeq}{\ \doteq\ } \newcommand{\subty}{\preceq} \newcommand{\True}{\mathit{True}} \newcommand{\Int}{\mathtt{Int}} \newcommand{\Nat}{\mathtt{Nat}} \newcommand{\Zero}{\mathtt{Zero}} \newcommand{\foo}[4]{{#1}^{#4} + {#2}^{#4} = {#3}^{#4}} \newcommand{\reft}[3]{\{\bindx{#1}{#2} \mid {#3}\}} \newcommand{\ereft}[3]{\bindx{#1}{\{#2 \mid #3\}}} \newcommand{\bindx}[2]{{#1}\!:\!{#2}} \newcommand{\reftx}[2]{\{{#1}\mid{#2}\}} \newcommand{\inferrule}[3][]{\frac{#2}{#3}\;{#1}} \newcommand{\kvar}[1]{\color{kvcol}{\mathbf{\kappa_{#1}}}} \newcommand{\llen}[1]{\mathtt{llen}(#1)} \)

Measuring Data Types

Measuring Data Types


  1. Refinements: Types + Predicates
  2. Subtyping: SMT Implication

Example: Length of a List

Given a type for lists:

49: data L a = N | C a (L a)

We can define the length as:

60: {-@ measure llen  :: (L a) -> Int
61:     llen (N)      = 0
62:     llen (C x xs) = 1 + (llen xs)  @-}

Example: Length of a List

78: {-@ measure llen  :: (L a) -> Int
79:     llen (N)      = 0
80:     llen (C x xs) = 1 + llen xs  @-}

We strengthen data constructor types

90: data L a where 
91:   N :: {v: L a | (llen v) = 0}
92:   C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| llen v = 1 + llen t}

Measures Are Uninterpreted

99: data L a where 
100:   N :: {v: L a | (llen v) = 0}
101:   C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| llen v = 1 + llen t}

llen is an uninterpreted function in SMT logic

Measures Are Uninterpreted

In SMT, uninterpreted function \(f\) obeys congruence axiom:

\[\forall \overline{x}, \overline{y}. \overline{x} = \overline{y} \Rightarrow f(\overline{x}) = f(\overline{y})\]

Other properties of llen asserted when typing fold & unfold

Crucial for efficient, decidable and predictable verification.

Measures Are Uninterpreted

Other properties of llen asserted when typing fold & unfold

141: z = C x y     -- z :: {v | llen v = 1 + llen y}

149: case z of 
150:   N     -> e1 -- z :: {v | llen v = 0}
151:   C x y -> e2 -- z :: {v | llen v = 1 + llen y}

Measured Refinements

Now, we can verify:

164: {-@ length      :: xs:L a -> EqLen xs @-}
165: forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | v == llen x1 && v >= 0}length N        = x1:Int# -> {v : Int | v == (x1  :  int)}0
166: length (C _ xs) = {v : Int | v == (1  :  int)}1 x1:Int -> x2:Int -> {v : Int | v == x1 + x2}+ forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | v == llen x1 && v >= 0}length {v : (L a) | v == xs && 0 <= llen v}xs

Where EqLen is a type alias:

176: {-@ type EqLen Xs = {v:Nat | v = llen Xs} @-}

List Indexing Redux

We can type list lookup:

187: {-@ (!)      :: xs:L a -> LtLen xs -> a @-}
188: (C x _)  forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | v >= 0 && v < llen x1} -> a! 0 = {VV : a | VV == x}x
189: (C _ xs) ! i = {v : (L {VV : a | x <= VV}) | 0 <= llen v}xs forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | v >= 0 && v < llen x1} -> a! ({v : Int | v >= 0}i x1:Int -> x2:Int -> {v : Int | v == x1 - x2}- {v : Int | v == (1  :  int)}1)
190: _        ! _ = {v : [Char] | false} -> aliquidError {v : [Char] | len v >= 0}"never happens!"

Where LtLen is a type alias:

199: {-@ type LtLen Xs = {v:Nat | v < llen Xs} @-}

Demo:   What if we remove the precondition?

Multiple Measures

Multiple measures by conjoining refinements.

e.g. Red Black Tree

  • Height
  • Color
  • Nodes, etc.

Refined Data Constructors

Can encode other invariants inside constructors

241: {-@ data L a = N
242:              | C { x  :: a 
243:                  , xs :: L {v:a| x <= v} } @-}

Head x is less than every element of tail xs

i.e. specifies increasing Lists

Increasing Lists

262: data L a where
263:   N :: L a
264:   C :: x:a -> xs: L {v:a | x <= v} -> L a

  • We check property when folding C
  • We assume property when unfolding C

Increasing Lists

Demo: Insertion Sort (hover for inferred types)

280: forall a. (Ord a) => [a] -> (L a)insertSort [a]xs = (a -> (L a) -> (L a)) -> (L a) -> [a] -> (L a)foldr a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert {v : (L a) | llen v == 0 && 0 <= llen v}N {v : [a] | v == xs && len v >= 0}xs
282: forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert ay (x `C` xs) 
283:   | {VV : a | VV == y}y x1:a -> x2:a -> {v : Bool | Prop v <=> x1 <= v}<= {VV : a | VV == x}x    = {VV : a | VV == y}y x1:a
-> x2:(L {VV : a | x1 <= VV})
-> {v : (L a) | llen v == 1 + llen x2 && x2 v == x2 && hd v == x1 && tl v == x2 && x1 v == x1}`C` ({VV : a | VV == x}x x1:{VV : a | VV >= x && VV >= y}
-> x2:(L {VV : a | VV >= x && VV >= y && x1 <= VV})
-> {v : (L {VV : a | VV >= x && VV >= y}) | x2 v == x2 && llen v == 1 + llen x2 && x1 v == x1 && hd v == x1 && tl v == x2}`C` {v : (L {VV : a | x <= VV}) | v == xs && 0 <= llen v}xs)
284:   | otherwise = {VV : a | VV == x}x x1:a
-> x2:(L {VV : a | x1 <= VV})
-> {v : (L a) | llen v == 1 + llen x2 && x1 v == x1 && hd v == x1 && tl v == x2 && x2 v == x2}`C` forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert {VV : a | VV == y}y {v : (L {VV : a | x <= VV}) | v == xs && 0 <= llen v}xs
285: insert y N    = {VV : a | VV == y}y x1:a
-> x2:(L {VV : a | x1 <= VV})
-> {v : (L a) | llen v == 1 + llen x2 && x2 v == x2 && hd v == x1 && tl v == x2 && x1 v == x1}`C` {v : (L {VV : a | false}) | llen v == 0 && 0 <= llen v}N    


  1. Refinements: Types + Predicates
  2. Subtyping: SMT Implication
  3. Measures: Strengthened Constructors

Logic + Analysis for Collections