\( \require{color} \definecolor{kvcol}{RGB}{203,23,206} \definecolor{tycol}{RGB}{5,177,93} \definecolor{refcol}{RGB}{18,110,213} \newcommand{\quals}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\defeq}{\ \doteq\ } \newcommand{\subty}{\preceq} \newcommand{\True}{\mathit{True}} \newcommand{\Int}{\mathtt{Int}} \newcommand{\Nat}{\mathtt{Nat}} \newcommand{\Zero}{\mathtt{Zero}} \newcommand{\foo}[4]{{#1}^{#4} + {#2}^{#4} = {#3}^{#4}} \newcommand{\reft}[3]{\{\bindx{#1}{#2} \mid {#3}\}} \newcommand{\ereft}[3]{\bindx{#1}{\{#2 \mid #3\}}} \newcommand{\bindx}[2]{{#1}\!:\!{#2}} \newcommand{\reftx}[2]{\{{#1}\mid{#2}\}} \newcommand{\inferrule}[3][]{\frac{#2}{#3}\;{#1}} \newcommand{\kvar}[1]{\color{kvcol}{\mathbf{\kappa_{#1}}}} \newcommand{\llen}[1]{\mathtt{llen}(#1)} \)

Abstract Refinements

Abstract Refinements

A Tricky Problem


Require context-dependent invariants & summaries for HOFs.


How to summarize iteration-dependence for higher-order loop?

Problem Is Pervasive

Lets distill it to a simple example...

(First, a few aliases)

68: {-@ type Odd  = {v:Int | (v mod 2) = 1} @-}
69: {-@ type Even = {v:Int | (v mod 2) = 0} @-}

Example: maxInt

Compute the larger of two Ints:

81: maxInt     :: Int -> Int -> Int 
82: maxInt x y = if y <= x then x else y

Example: maxInt

Has many incomparable refinement types/summaries

93: maxInt :: Nat  -> Nat  -> Nat
94: maxInt :: Even -> Even -> Even
95: maxInt :: Odd  -> Odd  -> Odd 

Which should we use?

Refinement Polymorphism

maxInt returns one of its two inputs x and y

If : the inputs satisfy a property
Then : the output satisfies that property

Above holds for all properties!

Need to abstract properties over types

Parametric Refinements

Enable quantification over refinements ...

Type says: for any p that is a property of Int,
  • max takes two Ints that satisfy p,
  • max returns an Int that satisfies p.

Parametric Refinements

Enable quantification over refinements ...

167: {-@ maxInt :: forall <p :: Int -> Prop>. 
168:                 Int<p> -> Int<p> -> Int<p>  @-}
170: maxInt x y = if x <= y then y else x 

Key idea:   Int<p>   is just   \(\reft{v}{\Int}{p(v)}\)

Abstract Refinement is uninterpreted function in SMT logic

Parametric Refinements

186: {-@ maxInt :: forall <p :: Int -> Prop>. 
187:                 Int<p> -> Int<p> -> Int<p>  @-}
189: maxInt x y = if x <= y then y else x 

Check Implementation via SMT

Parametric Refinements

200: {-@ maxInt :: forall <p :: Int -> Prop>. 
201:                 Int<p> -> Int<p> -> Int<p>  @-}
203: maxInt x y = if x <= y then y else x 

Check Implementation via SMT

\[\begin{array}{rll} \ereft{x}{\Int}{p(x)},\ereft{y}{\Int}{p(y)} & \vdash \reftx{v}{v = y} & \subty \reftx{v}{p(v)} \\ \ereft{x}{\Int}{p(x)},\ereft{y}{\Int}{p(y)} & \vdash \reftx{v}{v = x} & \subty \reftx{v}{p(v)} \\ \end{array}\]

Parametric Refinements

221: {-@ maxInt :: forall <p :: Int -> Prop>. 
222:                 Int<p> -> Int<p> -> Int<p>  @-}
224: maxInt x y = if x <= y then y else x 

Check Implementation via SMT

\[\begin{array}{rll} {p(x)} \wedge {p(y)} & \Rightarrow {v = y} & \Rightarrow {p(v)} \\ {p(x)} \wedge {p(y)} & \Rightarrow {v = x} & \Rightarrow {p(v)} \\ \end{array}\]

Using Abstract Refinements

  • If we call maxInt with args satisfying common property,
  • Then p instantiated property, result gets same property.

Infer Instantiation by Liquid Typing

At call-site, instantiate p with unknown \(\kvar{p}\) and solve!


  1. Refinements: Types + Predicates
  2. Subtyping: SMT Implication
  3. Measures: Strengthened Constructors
  4. Abstract Refinements over Types

Abstract Refinements decouple invariants from code ...
