LiquidHaskell Version, Git revision 1d8c11324bb718eb3bd5c41643ba4b1cc377abf2 (dirty) [develop@1d8c11324bb718eb3bd5c41643ba4b1cc377abf2 (Thu Jul 11 14:48:47 2019 -0700)] Copyright 2013-19 Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved. Targets: resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs  **** [Checking: resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs] ****  **** DONE: A-Normalization ****************************************************  WARNING: Assume Overwrites Specifications for Lecture_05_ProofsPrograms.fib : /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:27:13 WARNING: Assume Overwrites Specifications for Lecture_05_ProofsPrograms.sumTo : /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:92:13  **** DONE: Extracted Core using GHC *******************************************   **** DONE: Transformed Core ***************************************************   **** DONE: annotate ***********************************************************   **** RESULT: UNSAFE ************************************************************  /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:10:18-29: Error: Liquid Type Mismatch 10 | intToA x = error "Define me!" ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inferred type VV : {v : [Char] | v ~~ "Define me!" && len v == strLen "Define me!" && len v >= 0 && v == "Define me!"} not a subtype of Required type VV : {VV : [Char] | false} /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:(80,7)-(83,9): Error: Liquid Type Mismatch 80 | = fib x ? fibUp x 81 | =<= fib (x+1) 82 | =<= fib y 83 | *** QED Inferred type VV : {v : () | (isAdmit Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators.QED => false) && (not (isAdmit Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators.QED) => true)} not a subtype of Required type VV : {VV : () | f x <= f y} In Context x : {v : Int | v >= 0} y : {y : Int | y >= 0 && x < y} /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:(85,7)-(88,9): Error: Liquid Type Mismatch 85 | = fib x ? fMonotonic f fUp x (y-1) 86 | =<= fib (y-1) ? fibUp (y-1) 87 | =<= fib y 88 | *** QED Inferred type VV : {v : () | (isAdmit Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators.QED => false) && (not (isAdmit Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators.QED) => true)} not a subtype of Required type VV : {VV : () | f x <= f y} In Context x : {v : Int | v >= 0} y : {y : Int | y >= 0 && x < y} /home/rjhala/research/stack/liquid/liquid-server/resources/custom/liquidhaskell/sandbox/1713907368_17990.hs:86:7-15: Error: Liquid Type Mismatch 86 | =<= fib (y-1) ? fibUp (y-1) ^^^^^^^^^ Inferred type VV : {v : Int | v >= 0 && v == Lecture_05_ProofsPrograms.fib (y - 1) && v == (if 0 == y - 1 then 0 else (if 1 == y - 1 then 1 else Lecture_05_ProofsPrograms.fib ((y - 1) - 1) + Lecture_05_ProofsPrograms.fib ((y - 1) - 2)))} not a subtype of Required type VV : {VV : Int | ?e <= VV} In Context ?e : Int x : {v : Int | v >= 0} y : {y : Int | y >= 0 && x < y}