Case Study: Correct Compilers

So far, all the proofs we have seen have been very simple. To show that Liquid Haskell scales to more involved arguments, we show how it can be used to calculate a correct and efficient compiler for arithmetic expressions with addition, as in Graham's book.

{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-} {-@ LIQUID "--ple-local" @-} {-@ infix : @-} {-@ infixl 1 >>= @-} {-@ infixr 5 ++ @-} module Compiler where import Prelude hiding ((++), Monad(..)) import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Equational

We begin by defining an expression as an integer value or the addition of two expressions, and a function that returns the integer value of such an expression:

data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr {-@ reflect eval @-} eval :: Expr -> Int eval (Val n) = n eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y

A simple stack machine

The target for our compiler will be a simple stack-based machine. In this setting, a stack is simply a list of integers, and code for the machine is a list of push and add operations that manipulate the stack:

type Stack = [Int] type Code = [Op] data Op = PUSH Int | ADD

The meaning of such code is given by a function that executes a piece of code on an initial stack to give a final stack:

exec :: Code -> Stack -> Stack
exec []         s       = s
exec (PUSH n:c) s       = exec c (n:s)
exec (ADD:c)    (m:n:s) = exec c (n+m:s)

That is, PUSH places a new integer on the top of the stack, while ADD replaces the top two integers by their sum.

A note on totality

The function exec is not total --- in particular, the result of executing an ADD operation on a stack with fewer than two elements is undefined. Like most proof systems, Liquid Haskell requires all functions to be total in order to preserve soundness. There are a number of ways we can get around this problem, such as:

  • Using Haskell's Maybe type to express the possibility of failure directly in the type of the exec function.

  • Adding a refinement to exec to specify that it can only be used with ``valid'' code and stack arguments.

  • Arbitrarily defining how ADD operates on a small stack, for example by making it a no-operation.

  • Using dependent types to specify the stack demands of each operation in our language. For example, we could specify that ADD transforms a stack of length \(n+2\) to a stack of length \(n+1\).

For simplicity, we adopt the first approach here, and rewrite exec as a total function that returns Nothing in the case of failure, and Just s in the case of success:

{-@ reflect exec @-} exec :: Code -> Stack -> Maybe Stack exec [] s = Just s exec (PUSH n:c) s = exec c (n:s) exec (ADD:c) (m:n:s) = exec c (n+m:s) exec _ _ = Nothing


We now want to define a compiler from expressions to code. The property that we want to ensure is that executing the resulting code will leave the value of the expression on top of the stack. Using this property, it is clear that an integer value should be compiled to code that simply pushes the value onto the stack, while addition can be compiled by first compiling the two argument expressions, and then adding the resulting two values:

{-@ reflect comp @-} comp :: Expr -> Code comp (Val n) = [PUSH n] comp (Add x y) = comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD]

Note that when an add operation is performed, the value of the expression y will be on top of the stack and the value of expression x will be below it, hence the swapping of these two values in the definition of the exec function.


The correctness of the compiler for expressions is expressed by the following equation:
exec (comp e) [] == Just [eval e]

That is, compiling an expression and executing the resulting code on an empty stack always succeeds, and leaves the value of the expression as the single item on the stack. In order to prove this result, however, we will find that it is necessary to generalize to an arbitrary initial stack:

  exec (comp e) s == Just (eval e : s)

We prove correctness of the compiler in Liquid Haskell by defining a function generalizedCorrectnessP with a refinement type specification that encodes the above equation. We define the body of this function by recursion on the type Expr, which is similar to induction for the type Tree before. We begin as before by expanding definitions:

{-@ generalizedCorrectnessP 
  :: e:Expr -> s:Stack
  -> {exec (comp e) s == Just (eval e:s)} @-}
  :: Expr -> Stack -> Proof
generalizedCorrectnessP (Val n) s
  =   exec (comp (Val n)) s
  ==. exec [PUSH n] s
  ==. exec [] (n:s)
  ==. Just (n:s)
  ==. Just (eval (Val n):s)
  *** QED

generalizedCorrectnessP (Add x y) s
  =   exec (comp (Add x y)) s 
  ==. exec (comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD]) s

That is, we complete the proof for Val by simply expanding definitions while for Add we quickly reach a point where we need to think further. Intuitively, we require a lemma which states that executing code of the form c ++ d would give the same result as executing c and then executing d:

  exec (c ++ d) s = exec d (exec c s)

Unfortunately, this doesn't typecheck, because exec takes a Stack but returns a Maybe Stack. What we need is some way to run exec d only if exec c succeeds. Fortunately, this already exists in Haskell --- it's just monadic bind for the Maybe type, which we reflect in Liquid Haskell as follows:

infixl 3 >>= {-@ reflect >>= @-} (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b (Just x) >>= f = f x Nothing >>= _ = Nothing

We can now express our desired lemma using bind

  exec (c ++ d) s = exec c s >>= exec d

and its proof proceeds by straightforward structural induction on the first code argument, with separate cases for success and failure of an addition operator:

{-@ sequenceP :: c:Code -> d:Code -> s:Stack -> {exec (c ++ d) s = exec c s >>= exec d} @-} sequenceP :: Code -> Code -> Stack -> Proof sequenceP [] d s = exec ([] ++ d) s ==. exec d s ==. (Just s >>= exec d) ==. (exec [] s >>= exec d) *** QED sequenceP (PUSH n:c) d s = exec ((PUSH n:c) ++ d) s ==. exec (PUSH n:(c ++ d)) s ==. exec (c ++ d) (n:s) ? sequenceP c d (n:s) ==. (exec c (n:s) >>= exec d) ==. (exec (PUSH n:c) s >>= exec d) *** QED sequenceP (ADD:c) d (m:n:s) = exec ((ADD:c) ++ d) (m:n:s) ==. exec (ADD:(c ++ d)) (m:n:s) ==. exec (c ++ d) (n + m:s) ? sequenceP c d (n + m:s) ==. (exec c (n + m:s) >>= exec d) ==. (exec (ADD:c) (m:n:s) >>= exec d) *** QED sequenceP (ADD:c) d s = exec ((ADD:c) ++ d) s ==. exec (ADD:(c ++ d)) s ==. Nothing ==. (Nothing >>= exec d) ==. exec (ADD:c) s >>= exec d *** QED
With this lemma in hand, we can complete the Add case of our generalizedCorrectnessP proof: %
{-@ generalizedCorrectnessP :: e:Expr -> s:Stack -> {exec (comp e) s == Just (eval e:s)} @-} generalizedCorrectnessP :: Expr -> Stack -> Proof generalizedCorrectnessP (Val n) s = exec (comp (Val n)) s ==. exec [PUSH n] s ==. exec [] (n:s) ==. Just (n:s) ==. Just (eval (Val n):s) *** QED generalizedCorrectnessP (Add x y) s = exec (comp (Add x y)) s ==. exec (comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD]) s ? sequenceP (comp x) (comp y ++ [ADD]) s ==. (exec (comp x) s >>= exec (comp y ++ [ADD])) ? generalizedCorrectnessP x s ==. (Just (eval x:s) >>= exec (comp y ++ [ADD])) ==. exec (comp y ++ [ADD]) (eval x:s) ? sequenceP (comp y) [ADD] (eval x:s) ==. (exec (comp y) (eval x:s) >>= exec [ADD]) ? generalizedCorrectnessP y (eval x:s) ==. (Just (eval y:eval x:s) >>= exec [ADD]) ==. exec [ADD] (eval y:eval x:s) ==. exec [] (eval x + eval y:s) ==. Just (eval x + eval y:s) ==. Just (eval (Add x y):s) *** QED

Now that we have proven a generalized version of our correctness theorem, we can recover the original theorem by replacing the arbitrary state s by the empty state []:

{-@ correctnessP :: e:Expr -> {exec (comp e) [] == Just [eval e]} @-} correctnessP :: Expr -> Proof correctnessP e = generalizedCorrectnessP e []

A faster compiler

Notice that like reverse and flatten, our compiler uses the append operator (++) in the recursive case. This means that our compiler can be optimized. We can use the same strategy as we used for reverse and flatten to derive an optimized version of comp.

We begin by defining a function compApp with the property compApp e c == comp e ++ c. As previously, we proceed from this property by expanding definitions and applying lemmata to obtain an optimized version:

{-@ reflect compApp @-} {-@ compApp :: e:Expr -> c:Code -> {d:Code | d == comp e ++ c} @-} compApp (Val n) c = comp (Val n) ++ c ==. [PUSH n] ++ c ==. PUSH n:([] ++ c) ==. PUSH n:c `eq` PUSH n:c compApp (Add x y) c = comp (Add x y) ++ c ==. (comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD]) ++ c ? appAssocP (comp x) (comp y ++ [ADD]) c ==. comp x ++ (comp y ++ [ADD]) ++ c ? appAssocP (comp y) [ADD] c ==. comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD] ++ c ==. comp x ++ comp y ++ ADD:([] ++ c) ==. comp x ++ comp y ++ ADD:c ==. comp x ++ compApp y (ADD:c) ==. compApp x (compApp y (ADD:c)) `eq` compApp x (compApp y (ADD:c))

Note: We conclude the definitions by eq to tell Liquid Haskell to reflect the definitions of compApp using only the last equality. In the imported library Equational we define eq _ x = x. But, eq is special in that Liquid Haskell knows that the translation of eq p x in the logic in only x.

Similarly, the Haskell compiler automatically optimizes away all the equational reasoning steps to derive the following definition for compApp, which no longer makes use of append:

compApp :: Expr -> Code -> Code 
compApp (Val n)   c = PUSH n:c
compApp (Add x y) c =
  compApp x (compApp y (ADD:c))

From this definition, we can construct the optimized compiler by supplying the empty list as the second argument:

{-@ reflect comp' @-} comp' :: Expr -> Code comp' e = compApp e []

In turn, we can then prove that new compiler comp' is equivalent to the original version comp, and is hence correct:

{-@ equivP :: e:Expr -> {comp' e == comp e} @-} equivP e = comp' e ==. compApp e [] ==. comp e ++ [] ? appRightIdP (comp e) ==. comp e *** QED {-@ equivCorrectnessP :: e:Expr -> {exec (comp' e) [] == Just [eval e]} @-} equivCorrectnessP e = exec (comp' e) [] ? equivP e ==. exec (comp e) [] ? correctnessP e ==. Just [eval e] *** QED

However, we can also prove the correctness of comp' without using comp at all --- and it turns out that this proof is much simpler. Again, we generalize our statement of correctness, this time to any initial stack and any additional code:

  exec (compApp e c) s = exec c (cons (eval e) s)

We can then prove this new correctness theorem by induction on the structure of the expression argument:

{-@ generalizedCorrectnessP' :: e:Expr -> s:Stack -> c:Code -> { exec (compApp e c) s == exec c (cons (eval e) s)} @-} generalizedCorrectnessP' :: Expr -> Stack -> Code -> Proof generalizedCorrectnessP' (Val n) s c = exec (compApp (Val n) c) s ==. exec (PUSH n:c) s ==. exec c (n:s) ==. exec c (eval (Val n):s) *** QED generalizedCorrectnessP' (Add x y) s c = exec (compApp (Add x y) c) s ==. exec (compApp x (compApp y (ADD:c))) s ? generalizedCorrectnessP' x s (compApp y (ADD:c)) ==. exec (compApp y (ADD:c)) (eval x:s) ? generalizedCorrectnessP' y (eval x:s) (ADD:c) ==. exec (ADD:c) (eval y:eval x:s) ==. exec c (eval x + eval y:s) ==. exec c (eval (Add x y):s) *** QED

Finally, we recover our original correctness theorem by specializing both the stack s and code c to empty lists:

{-@ correctnessP' :: e:Expr -> {exec (comp' e) [] == Just [eval e]} @-} correctnessP' :: Expr -> Proof correctnessP' e = exec (comp' e) [] ==. exec (compApp e []) [] ? generalizedCorrectnessP' e [] [] ==. exec [] [eval e] ==. Just [eval e] *** QED

In summary, there are two key benefits to our new compiler. First of all, it no longer uses append, and is hence more efficient. And secondly, its correctness proof no longer requires the sequenceP lemma, and is hence simpler and more concise. Counterintuitively, code optimized using Liquid Haskell can be easier to prove correct, not harder!


Since the online demo does not let us import functions, we close by repeating the required function definitions and theorems on lists.

infixr 5 ++ {-@ reflect ++ @-} (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] [] ++ ys = ys (x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys) {-@ ple appRightIdP @-} {-@ appRightIdP :: xs:[a] -> {xs ++ [] = xs} @-} appRightIdP :: [a] -> Proof appRightIdP [] = () appRightIdP (_:xs) = appRightIdP xs {-@ ple appAssocP @-} {-@ appAssocP :: xs:[a] -> ys:[a] -> zs:[a] -> {(xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ ys ++ zs} @-} appAssocP :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> Proof appAssocP [] _ _ = () appAssocP (_:xs) ys zs = appAssocP xs ys zs