11: module Measures where 12: import Prelude hiding ((!!), length) 13: import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude 14: 15: length :: L a -> Int 16: (!) :: L a -> Int -> a 17: insert :: Ord a => a -> L a -> L a 18: insertSort :: Ord a => [a] -> L a 19: 20: infixr `C`
Given a type for lists:
44: data L a = N | C a (L a)
We can define the length as:
55: {-@ measure llen :: (L a) -> Int 56: llen (N) = 0 57: llen (C x xs) = 1 + (llen xs) @-}
66: {-@ measure llen :: (L a) -> Int 67: llen (N) = 0 68: llen (C x xs) = 1 + (llen xs) @-}
LiquidHaskell strengthens data constructor types
78: data L a where 79: N :: {v: L a | (llen v) = 0} 80: C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| llen v = 1 + llen t}
87: data L a where 88: N :: {v: L a | (llen v) = 0} 89: C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| llen v = 1 + llen t}
is an uninterpreted function in SMT logic
In SMT, uninterpreted function f
obeys congruence axiom:
forall x y. (x = y) => (f x) = (f y)
asserted at fold and unfold
Facts about llen
asserted at syntax-directed fold and unfold
122: z = C x y -- z :: {v | llen v = 1 + llen y}
130: case z of 131: N -> e1 -- z :: {v | llen v = 0} 132: C x y -> e2 -- z :: {v | llen v = 1 + llen y}
Now, we can verify:
145: {-@ length :: xs:L a -> (EqLen xs) @-} 146: forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | (v == (llen x1)) && (v >= 0)}length N = x1:Int# -> {x2 : Int | (x2 == (x1 : int))}0 147: length (C _ xs) = {x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1 x1:Int -> x2:Int -> {x4 : Int | (x4 == (x1 + x2))}+ forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | (v == (llen x1)) && (v >= 0)}length {x2 : (L a) | (x2 == xs)}xs
Where EqLen
is a type alias:
157: {-@ type EqLen Xs = {v:Nat | v = (llen Xs)} @-}
We can type list lookup:
168: {-@ (!) :: xs:L a -> (LtLen xs) -> a @-} 169: (C x _) forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | (v >= 0) && (v < (llen x1))} -> a! 0 = {VV : a | (VV == x)}x 170: (C _ xs) ! i = (L {VV : a | (x <= VV)})xs forall a. x1:(L a) -> {v : Int | (v >= 0) && (v < (llen x1))} -> a! ({x2 : Int | (x2 >= 0)}i x1:Int -> x2:Int -> {x4 : Int | (x4 == (x1 - x2))}- {x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1) 171: _ ! _ = {x1 : [Char] | false} -> aliquidError {x2 : [Char] | ((len x2) >= 0)}"never happens!"
Where LtLen
is a type alias:
180: {-@ type LtLen Xs = {v:Nat | v < (llen Xs)} @-}
Demo: What if we remove the precondition?
LiquidHaskell allows many measures for a type
Measure describing whether a List
is empty
205: {-@ measure isNull :: (L a) -> Prop 206: isNull (N) = true 207: isNull (C x xs) = false @-}
LiquidHaskell strengthens data constructors
216: data L a where 217: N :: {v : L a | (isNull v)} 218: C :: a -> L a -> {v:(L a) | not (isNull v)}
Data constructor refinements are conjoined
229: data L a where 230: N :: {v:L a | (llen v) = 0 231: && (isNull v) } 232: C :: a 233: -> xs:L a 234: -> {v:L a | (llen v) = 1 + (llen xs) 235: && not (isNull v) }
nodes have Black
nodes equal on all paths
256: data Tree a = Leaf 257: | Node Color a (Tree a) (Tree a) 258: 259: data Color = Red 260: | Black
nodes have Black
270: measure isRB :: Tree a -> Prop 271: isRB (Leaf) = true 272: isRB (Node c x l r) = c=Red => (isB l && isB r) 273: && isRB l && isRB r
279: measure isB :: Tree a -> Prop 280: isB (Leaf) = true 281: isB (Node c x l r) = c == Black
Color Invariant except at root.
296: measure isAlmost :: Tree a -> Prop 297: isAlmost (Leaf) = true 298: isAlmost (Node c x l r) = isRB l && isRB r
Number of Black
nodes equal on all paths
310: measure isBH :: RBTree a -> Prop 311: isBH (Leaf) = true 312: isBH (Node c x l r) = bh l = bh r 313: && isBH l && isBH r
319: measure bh :: RBTree a -> Int 320: bh (Leaf) = 0 321: bh (Node c x l r) = bh l 322: + if c = Red then 0 else 1
330: -- Red-Black Trees 331: type RBT a = {v:Tree a | isRB v && isBH v} 332: 333: -- Almost Red-Black Trees 334: type ARBT a = {v:Tree a | isAlmost v && isBH v}
Unlike indexed types ...
Measures decouple properties from structures
Support multiple properties over structures
Enable reuse of structures in different contexts
Can encode invariants inside constructors
379: {-@ data L a = N 380: | C { x :: a 381: , xs :: L {v:a| x <= v} } @-}
is less than every element of tail xs
400: data L a where 401: N :: L a 402: C :: x:a -> xs: L {v:a | x <= v} -> L a
Demo: Insertion Sort (hover for inferred types)
418: forall a. (Ord a) => [a] -> (L a)insertSort = (a -> (L a) -> (L a)) -> (L a) -> [a] -> (L a)foldr a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert {x3 : (L a) | (((isNull x3)) <=> true) && ((llen x3) == 0)}N 419: 420: forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert ay (x `C` xs) 421: | {VV : a | (VV == y)}y x1:a -> x2:a -> {x2 : Bool | (((Prop x2)) <=> (x1 <= x2))}<= {VV : a | (VV == x)}x = {VV : a | (VV == y)}y x1:a -> x2:(L {VV : a | (x1 <= VV)}) -> {x5 : (L a) | (((isNull x5)) <=> false) && ((llen x5) == (1 + (llen x2))) && ((x1 x5) == x1) && ((x2 x5) == x2)}`C` ({VV : a | (VV == x)}x x1:{VV : a | (VV >= x) && (VV >= y)} -> x2:(L {VV : a | (VV >= x) && (VV >= y) && (x1 <= VV)}) -> {x5 : (L {VV : a | (VV >= x) && (VV >= y)}) | (((isNull x5)) <=> false) && ((llen x5) == (1 + (llen x2))) && ((x1 x5) == x1) && ((x2 x5) == x2)}`C` {x2 : (L {VV : a | (x <= VV)}) | (x2 == xs)}xs) 422: | otherwise = {VV : a | (VV == x)}x x1:a -> x2:(L {VV : a | (x1 <= VV)}) -> {x5 : (L a) | (((isNull x5)) <=> false) && ((llen x5) == (1 + (llen x2))) && ((x1 x5) == x1) && ((x2 x5) == x2)}`C` forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L a) -> (L a)insert {VV : a | (VV == y)}y {x2 : (L {VV : a | (x <= VV)}) | (x2 == xs)}xs 423: insert y N = {VV : a | (VV == y)}y x1:a -> x2:(L {VV : a | (x1 <= VV)}) -> {x5 : (L a) | (((isNull x5)) <=> false) && ((llen x5) == (1 + (llen x2))) && ((x1 x5) == x1) && ((x2 x5) == x2)}`C` {x3 : (L {VV : a | false}) | (((isNull x3)) <=> true) && ((llen x3) == 0)}N