Lets see another example of decoupling...
14: {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} 15: 16: module List (insertSort) where 17: 18: {-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} 19: 20: mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] 21: insertSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> L a 22: slist :: L Int 23: slist' :: L Int 24: iGoUp, iGoDn, iDiff :: [Int] 25: infixr `C`
36: data L a = N 37: | C { forall a. (L a) -> ahd :: a, forall a. (L a) -> (L a)tl :: L a }
Define increasing Lists with strengthened constructors:
47: data L a where 48: N :: L a 49: C :: hd:a -> tl: L {v:a | hd <= v} -> L a
What if we need both increasing and decreasing lists?
67: {-@ data L a <p :: a -> a -> Prop> 68: = N 69: | C { hd :: a, tl :: L <p> a<p hd> } @-}
is a binary relation between two a
with all the elements of tl
holds for every pair of elements!
Consider a list with three or more elements
90: x1 `C` x2 `C` x3 `C` rest :: L <p> a
97: x1 :: a 98: x2 `C` x3 `C` rest :: L <p> a<p x1>
105: x1 :: a 106: x2 :: a<p x1> 107: x3 `C` rest :: L <p> a<p x1 && p x2>
114: x1 :: a 115: x2 :: a<p x1> 116: x3 :: a<p x1 && p x2> 117: rest :: L <p> a<p x1 && p x2 && p x3>
holds between every pair of elements in the list.
That was a rather abstract!
How can we use fact that p
holds between every pair?
with a concrete refinement
Instantiate p
with a concrete refinement
148: {-@ type IncL a = L <{\hd v -> hd <= v}> a @-}
less than every v
in tail,
denotes increasing lists.
LiquidHaskell verifies that slist
is indeed increasing...
165: {-@ slist :: IncL Int @-} 166: (L <\hd2 VV -> (hd2 <= VV)> Int)slist = {x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` {x2 : Int | (x2 == (6 : int))}6 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` {x2 : Int | (x2 == (12 : int))}12 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` (L <\_ VV -> false> {x3 : Int | false})N
... and protests that slist'
is not:
176: {-@ slist' :: IncL Int @-} 177: (L <\hd2 VV -> (hd2 <= VV)> Int)slist' = {x2 : Int | (x2 == (6 : int))}6 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` {x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` {x2 : Int | (x2 == (12 : int))}12 forall <p :: GHC.Types.Int-> GHC.Types.Int-> Bool>. x1:{x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)} -> x2:(L <p> {x12 : Int<p x1> | (x12 > 0)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {x12 : Int | (x12 > 0)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` (L <\_ VV -> false> {x3 : Int | false})N
185: {-@ insertSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IncL a @-} 186: forall a. (Ord a) => [a] -> (L <\hd2 VV -> (hd2 <= VV)> a)insertSort = (a -> (L <\x9 VV -> (VV >= x9)> a) -> (L <\x9 VV -> (VV >= x9)> a)) -> (L <\x9 VV -> (VV >= x9)> a) -> [a] -> (L <\x9 VV -> (VV >= x9)> a)foldr a -> (L <\x4 VV -> (VV >= x4)> a) -> (L <\x2 VV -> (VV >= x2)> a)insert (L <\_ VV -> false> {VV : a | false})N 187: 188: forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L <\x2 VV -> (VV >= x2)> a) -> (L <\x1 VV -> (VV >= x1)> a)insert ay N = {VV : a | (VV == y)}y forall <p :: a-> a-> Bool>. x1:{VV : a | (VV == y)} -> x2:(L <p> {VV : a<p x1> | (VV == y)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {VV : a | (VV == y)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` (L <\_ VV -> false> {VV : a | false})N 189: insert y (x `C` xs) 190: | {VV : a | (VV == y)}y x1:a -> x2:a -> {x2 : Bool | (((Prop x2)) <=> (x1 < x2))}< {VV : a | (VV == x)}x = {VV : a | (VV == y)}y forall <p :: a-> a-> Bool>. x1:{VV : a | (y <= VV)} -> x2:(L <p> {VV : a<p x1> | (y <= VV)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {VV : a | (y <= VV)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` ({VV : a | (VV == x)}x forall <p :: a-> a-> Bool>. x1:{VV : a | (VV > y) && (x <= VV)} -> x2:(L <p> {VV : a<p x1> | (VV > y) && (x <= VV)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {VV : a | (VV > y) && (x <= VV)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` {x2 : (L <\x3 VV -> (VV >= x3)> {VV : a | (VV >= x)}) | (x2 == xs)}xs) 191: | otherwise = {VV : a | (VV == x)}x forall <p :: a-> a-> Bool>. x1:{VV : a | (x <= VV)} -> x2:(L <p> {VV : a<p x1> | (x <= VV)}) -> {x3 : (L <p> {VV : a | (x <= VV)}) | ((hd x3) == x1) && ((tl x3) == x2)}`C` forall a. (Ord a) => a -> (L <\x2 VV -> (VV >= x2)> a) -> (L <\x1 VV -> (VV >= x1)> a)insert {VV : a | (VV == y)}y {x2 : (L <\x3 VV -> (VV >= x3)> {VV : a | (VV >= x)}) | (x2 == xs)}xs
(Mouseover insert
to see inferred type.)
Demo: Above applies to GHC's List definition:
205: data [a] <p :: a -> a -> Prop> 206: = [] 207: | (:) { h :: a, tl :: [a<p h>]<p> }
Increasing Lists
218: {-@ type Incs a = [a]<{\h v -> h <= v}> @-} 219: 220: {-@ iGoUp :: Incs Int @-} 221: [Int]<\h6 VV -> (h6 <= VV)>iGoUp = {x3 : [{x13 : Int | (x13 > 0)}]<\x10 VV -> (x10 /= x11) && (x11 > 0) && (x11 > x10) && (x10 <= x11)> | (((null x3)) <=> false) && ((len x3) >= 0)}[{x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (2 : int))}2,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (3 : int))}3]
Decreasing Lists
232: {-@ type Decs a = [a]<{\h v -> h >= v}> @-} 233: 234: {-@ iGoDn :: Decs Int @-} 235: [Int]<\h8 VV -> (h8 >= VV)>iGoDn = {x3 : [{x14 : Int | (x14 > 0)}]<\x12 VV -> (x11 == 1) && (x12 /= x11) && (x11 > 0) && (x12 >= x11) && (x11 < x12)> | (((null x3)) <=> false) && ((len x3) >= 0)}[{x2 : Int | (x2 == (3 : int))}3,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (2 : int))}2,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1]
Duplicate-free Lists
247: {-@ type Difs a = [a]<{\h v -> h /= v}> @-} 248: 249: {-@ iDiff :: Difs Int @-} 250: [Int]<\h10 VV -> (h10 /= VV)>iDiff = {x3 : [{x13 : Int | (x13 > 0)}]<\x11 VV -> (x11 /= x10) && (x10 > 0) && (x11 >= x10) && (x10 < x11)> | (((null x3)) <=> false) && ((len x3) >= 0)}[{x2 : Int | (x2 == (1 : int))}1,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (3 : int))}3,{x2 : Int | (x2 == (2 : int))}2]
Now we can check all the usual list sorting algorithms
Demo: List Sorting
Lets see one last example...
... Map
from keys of type k
to values of type a
Implemented, in Data.Map
as a binary tree:
418: data Map k a = Tip 419: | Bin Size k a (Map k a) (Map k a) 420: 421: type Size = Int
: relates root key
with left
-subtree keysr
: relates root key
with right
-subtree keys432: {-@ data Map k a < l :: k -> k -> Prop 433: , r :: k -> k -> Prop > 434: = Tip 435: | Bin (sz :: Size) (key :: k) (val :: a) 436: (left :: Map <l,r> (k<l key>) a) 437: (right :: Map <l,r> (k<r key>) a) @-}
Keys are Binary-Search Ordered
449: {-@ type BST k a = 450: Map <{\r v -> v < r }, 451: {\r v -> v > r }> 452: k a @-}
Root contains minimum value
463: {-@ type MinHeap k a = 464: Map <{\r v -> r <= v}, 465: {\r v -> r <= v}> 466: k a @-}
Root contains maximum value
477: {-@ type MaxHeap k a = 478: Map <{\r v -> r >= v}, 479: {\r v -> r >= v}> 480: k a @-}
Standard Key-Value container
, split
, merge
Decouple invariants from functions
Decouple invariants from data