module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Annotate (
AnnInfo (..)
, Annot (..)
, annotate
) where
import GHC ( SrcSpan (..)
, srcSpanStartCol
, srcSpanEndCol
, srcSpanStartLine
, srcSpanEndLine)
import Var (Var (..))
import Outputable
import GHC.Exts (groupWith, sortWith)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, dropFileName, (</>))
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import System.Directory (copyFile)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.ACSS as ACSS
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Classify
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.FileNames
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Fixpoint
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Tidy
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
annotate :: FilePath -> FixResult SrcSpan -> FixSolution -> AnnInfo Annot -> IO ()
annotate fname result sol anna
= do annotDump fname (extFileName Html $ extFileName Cst fname) result annm
annotDump fname (extFileName Html fname) result annm'
where annm = closeAnnots anna
annm' = tidySpecType <$> applySolution sol annm
annotDump :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FixResult SrcSpan -> AnnInfo SpecType -> IO ()
annotDump srcFile htmlFile result ann
= do let annm = mkAnnMap result ann
let annFile = extFileName Annot srcFile
writeFilesOrStrings annFile [Left srcFile, Right (show annm)]
annotHtmlDump htmlFile srcFile annm
return ()
writeFilesOrStrings :: FilePath -> [Either FilePath String] -> IO ()
writeFilesOrStrings tgtFile = mapM_ $ either (`copyFile` tgtFile) (tgtFile `appendFile`)
annotHtmlDump htmlFile srcFile annm
= do src <- readFile srcFile
let lhs = isExtFile LHs srcFile
let body = ACSS.hsannot False (Just tokAnnot) lhs (src, annm)
cssFile <- getCSSPath
copyFile cssFile (dropFileName htmlFile </> takeFileName cssFile)
renderHtml lhs htmlFile srcFile (takeFileName cssFile) body
renderHtml True = renderPandoc
renderHtml False = renderDirect
renderPandoc htmlFile srcFile css body
= do renderFn <- maybe renderDirect renderPandoc' <$> findExecutable "pandoc"
renderFn htmlFile srcFile css body
renderPandoc' pandocPath htmlFile srcFile css body
= do _ <- writeFile mdFile $ pandocPreProc body
ec <- executeShellCommand "pandoc" cmd
writeFilesOrStrings htmlFile [Right (cssHTML css)]
checkExitCode cmd ec
where mdFile = extFileName Mkdn srcFile
cmd = pandocCmd pandocPath mdFile htmlFile
pandocCmd pandocPath mdFile htmlFile
= printf "%s -f markdown -t html %s > %s" pandocPath mdFile htmlFile
= T.unpack
. stripBegin
. stripEnd
. T.pack
where stripBegin = T.replace (T.pack "\\begin{code}") T.empty
stripEnd = T.replace (T.pack "\\end{code}") T.empty
renderDirect htmlFile srcFile css body
= writeFile htmlFile $! (top'n'tail full srcFile css $! body)
where full = True
top'n'tail True title css = (htmlHeader title css ++) . (++ htmlClose)
top'n'tail False _ _ = id
htmlHeader title css = unlines
[ "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">"
, "<html>"
, "<head>"
, "<title>" ++ title ++ "</title>"
, "</head>"
, cssHTML css
, "<body>"
, "<hr>"
, "Put mouse over identifiers to see inferred types"
htmlClose = "\n</body>\n</html>"
cssHTML css = unlines
[ "<head>"
, "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='"++ css ++ "' />"
, "</head>"
mkAnnMap :: FixResult SrcSpan -> AnnInfo SpecType -> ACSS.AnnMap
mkAnnMap res ann = ACSS.Ann (mkAnnMapTyp ann) (mkAnnMapErr res)
mkAnnMapErr (Unsafe ls) = [ (srcSpanStartLoc l, srcSpanEndLoc l) | RealSrcSpan l <- ls]
mkAnnMapErr _ = []
mkAnnMapTyp (AI m)
= M.fromList
$ map (srcSpanStartLoc *** bindString)
$ map (head . sortWith (srcSpanEndCol . fst))
$ groupWith (lineCol . fst)
$ [ (l, x) | (RealSrcSpan l, (x:_)) <- M.toList m, oneLine l]
where bindString = mapPair (showSDocForUser neverQualify) . pprXOT
srcSpanStartLoc l
= ACSS.L (srcSpanStartLine l, srcSpanStartCol l)
srcSpanEndLoc l
= ACSS.L (srcSpanEndLine l, srcSpanEndCol l)
oneLine l
= srcSpanStartLine l == srcSpanEndLine l
lineCol l
= (srcSpanStartLine l, srcSpanStartCol l)
closeAnnots :: AnnInfo Annot -> AnnInfo SpecType
closeAnnots = closeA . filterA . collapseA
closeA a@(AI m) = cf <$> a
where cf (Loc loc) = case m `mlookup` loc of
[(_, Use t)] -> t
[(_, Def t)] -> t
[(_, RDf t)] -> t
_ -> errorstar $ "malformed AnnInfo: " ++ showPpr loc
cf (Use t) = t
cf (Def t) = t
cf (RDf t) = t
filterA (AI m) = AI (M.filter ff m)
where ff [(_, Loc loc)] = loc `M.member` m
ff _ = True
collapseA (AI m) = AI (fmap pickOneA m)
pickOneA xas = case (rs, ds, ls, us) of
((x:_), _, _, _) -> [x]
(_, (x:_), _, _) -> [x]
(_, _, (x:_), _) -> [x]
(_, _, _, (x:_)) -> [x]
rs = [x | x@(_, RDf _) <- xas]
ds = [x | x@(_, Def _) <- xas]
ls = [x | x@(_, Loc _) <- xas]
us = [x | x@(_, Use _) <- xas]
refToken = Keyword
tokAnnot s
= case trimLiquidAnnot s of
Just (l, body, r) -> [(refToken, l)] ++ tokBody body ++ [(refToken, r)]
Nothing -> [(Comment, s)]
trimLiquidAnnot ('{':'-':'@':ss)
| drop (length ss 3) ss == "@-}"
= Just ("{-@", take (length ss 3) ss, "@-}")
trimLiquidAnnot _
= Nothing
tokBody s
| isData s = tokenise s
| isType s = tokenise s
| isIncl s = tokenise s
| otherwise = tokeniseSpec s
isData = spacePrefix "data"
isType = spacePrefix "type"
isIncl = spacePrefix "include"
spacePrefix str s@(c:cs)
| isSpace c = spacePrefix str cs
| otherwise = (take (length str) s) == str
spacePrefix _ _ = False
tokeniseSpec = tokAlt . chopAlt [('{', ':'), ('|', '}')]
where tokAlt (s:ss) = tokenise s ++ tokAlt' ss
tokAlt _ = []
tokAlt' (s:ss) = (refToken, s) : tokAlt ss
tokAlt' _ = []
newtype AnnInfo a = AI (M.HashMap SrcSpan [(Maybe Var, a)])
data Annot = Use SpecType
| Def SpecType
| RDf SpecType
| Loc SrcSpan
instance Functor AnnInfo where
fmap f (AI m) = AI (fmap (fmap (\(x, y) -> (x, f y))) m)
instance Outputable a => Outputable (AnnInfo a) where
ppr (AI m) = vcat $ map pprAnnInfoBinds $ M.toList m
instance NFData a => NFData (AnnInfo a) where
rnf (AI x) = ()
instance NFData Annot where
rnf (Def x) = ()
rnf (RDf x) = ()
rnf (Use x) = ()
rnf (Loc x) = ()
instance Outputable Annot where
ppr (Use t) = text "Use" <+> ppr t
ppr (Def t) = text "Def" <+> ppr t
ppr (RDf t) = text "RDf" <+> ppr t
ppr (Loc l) = text "Loc" <+> ppr l
pprAnnInfoBinds (l, xvs)
= vcat $ map (pprAnnInfoBind . (l,)) xvs
pprAnnInfoBind (RealSrcSpan k, xv)
= xd $$ ppr l $$ ppr c $$ ppr n $$ vd $$ text "\n\n\n"
where l = srcSpanStartLine k
c = srcSpanStartCol k
(xd, vd) = pprXOT xv
n = length $ lines $ showSDoc vd
pprAnnInfoBind (_, _)
= empty
pprXOT (x, v) = (xd, ppr v)
where xd = maybe (text "unknown") ppr x
applySolution :: FixSolution -> AnnInfo SpecType -> AnnInfo SpecType
applySolution = fmap . fmap . mapReft . map . appSolRefa
where appSolRefa _ ra@(RConc _) = ra
appSolRefa s (RKvar k su) = RConc $ subst su $ M.lookupDefault PTop k s
mapReft f (U (FReft (Reft (x, zs))) p) = U (FReft (Reft (x, squishRas $ f zs))) p
mapReft f (U (FSReft s (Reft (x, zs))) p) = U (FSReft s (Reft (x, squishRas $ f zs))) p
squishRas ras = (squish [p | RConc p <- ras]) : []
where squish = RConc . pAnd . sortNub . filter (not . isTautoPred) . concatMap conjuncts
conjuncts (PAnd ps) = concatMap conjuncts ps
conjuncts p | isTautoPred p = []
| otherwise = [p]