module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Tidy (tidySpecType) where

import Outputable   (showPpr) -- hiding (empty)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet        as S
import qualified Data.List           as L

import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc 
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GhcMisc   (stringTyVar) 
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.FileNames (symSepName)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Fixpoint
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType

---------- SYB Magic: Cleaning Reftypes Up Before Rendering ---------

tidySpecType :: SpecType -> SpecType  
tidySpecType = tidyDSymbols
             . tidySymbols 
             -- . tidyFunBinds
             . tidyLocalRefas 
             . tidyTyVars 

tidySymbols :: SpecType -> SpecType
tidySymbols t = substa dropSuffix $ mapBind dropBind t  
    xs         = S.fromList (syms t)
    dropBind x = if x `S.member` xs then dropSuffix x else nonSymbol  
    dropSuffix = S . takeWhile (/= symSepName) . symbolString

tidyLocalRefas :: SpecType -> SpecType
tidyLocalRefas = mapReft (txReft)
    txReft (U (FReft    (Reft (v,ras))) p) = U (FReft    (Reft (v, dropLocals ras))) p
    txReft (U (FSReft s (Reft (v,ras))) p) = U (FSReft s (Reft (v, dropLocals ras))) p
    dropLocals            = filter (not . any isTmp . syms) . flattenRefas
    isTmp x               = let str = symbolString x in 
                            (anfPrefix `L.isPrefixOf` str)         -- local ANF vars

tidyDSymbols :: SpecType -> SpecType  
tidyDSymbols t = mapBind tx $ substa tx t {- subst su t -}
    tx y  = M.lookupDefault y y (M.fromList dxs) 
    -- su    = mkSubst (mapSnd EVar <$> dxs)
    dxs   = zip ds (var <$> [1..])
    ds    = [ x | x <- syms t, isTmp x ]
    isTmp = (tempPrefix `L.isPrefixOf`) . symbolString
    -- isTmp = ("ds_" `L.isPrefixOf`) . symbolString
    var   = stringSymbol . ('x' :) . show 

isTmpSymbol x = (anfPrefix `L.isPrefixOf`  str) || 
                (tempPrefix `L.isPrefixOf` str) ||
                ("ds_"      `L.isPrefixOf` str)
  where str   = symbolString x

tidyTyVars :: SpecType -> SpecType  
tidyTyVars t = subsTyVarsAll αβs t 
    -- zz   = [(a, b) | (a, _, (RVar b _)) <- αβs]
    αβs  = zipWith (\α β -> (α, toRSort β, β)) αs βs 
    αs   = L.nub (tyVars t)
    βs   = map (rVar . stringTyVar) pool
    pool = [[c] | c <- ['a'..'z']] ++ [ "t" ++ show i | i <- [1..]]

-- traceShow ("tidyTyVars t = " ++ showPpr t ++ "a-b-s = " ++ showPpr zz) 
-- subsTyVarsAll αβs t
-- subsTyVars_meet αβs t

tyVars (RAllP _ t)     = tyVars t
tyVars (RAllT α t)     = α : tyVars t
tyVars (RFun _ t t' _) = tyVars t ++ tyVars t' 
tyVars (RApp _ ts _ _) = concatMap tyVars ts
tyVars (RCls _ ts)     = concatMap tyVars ts 
tyVars (RVar α _)      = [α] 
tyVars (REx _ _ t)     = tyVars t
tyVars (RExprArg _)    = []
tyVars (ROth _)        = []

subsTyVarsAll ats = go
    abm            = M.fromList [(a, b) | (a, _, (RVar b _)) <- ats]
    go (RAllT a t) = RAllT (M.lookupDefault a a abm) (go t)
    go t           = subsTyVars_meet ats t

--tidyTyVars :: RefType -> RefType
--tidyTyVars = tidy pool getS putS 
--  where getS (α :: TyVar)   = Just (symbolString $ varSymbol α)
--        putS (_ :: TyVar) x = stringTyVar x
--        pool          = [[c] | c <- ['a'..'z']] ++ [ "t" ++ show i | i <- [1..]]
-- readSymbols :: (Subable a) => a -> S.HashSet Symbol
-- readSymbols = S.fromList . syms 


-- data TidyS = T { memo :: M.HashMap String String
--                , pool :: [String] }
-- type TidyM = State TidyS
-- sel :: String -> TidyM (Maybe String)
-- sel s 
--   = ((s `M.lookup`) . memo) `fmap` get 
-- upd ::  String -> TidyM String
-- upd s 
--   = do st <- get
--        let (s':t) = pool st
--        let m      = memo st
--        put $ st {memo = M.insert s s' m, pool = t}
--        return s'
-- rename :: String -> TidyM String
-- rename s 
--   = do so <- sel s
--        case so of 
--          Just s' -> return s'
--          Nothing -> upd s 
-- cleaner getS putS = everywhereM (mkM swiz)
--   where swiz x = case getS x of 
--                    Nothing -> return x
--                    Just s  -> liftM (putS x) (rename s)
-- tidy :: (Data b, Typeable a) => [String] -> (a -> Maybe String) -> (a -> String -> a) -> b -> b 
-- tidy pool0 getS putS z = fst $ runState act s0
--   where act      = cleaner getS putS z 
--         s0       = T { memo = M.empty, pool = pool0 }