Cabal-1.11.0: A framework for packaging Haskell software





This module defines the detailed test suite interface which makes it possible to expose individual tests to Cabal or other test agents.



The following terms are used carefully throughout this file:

test interface
The interface provided by this module.
test agent
A program used by package users to coordinates the running of tests and the reporting of their results.
test framework
A package used by software authors to specify tests, such as QuickCheck or HUnit.

Test frameworks are obligated to supply, at least, instances of the TestOptions and ImpureTestable classes. It is preferred that test frameworks implement PureTestable whenever possible, so that test agents have an assurance that tests can be safely run in parallel.

Test agents that allow the user to specify options should avoid setting options not listed by the options method. Test agents should use check before running tests with non-default options. Test frameworks must implement a check function that attempts to parse the given options safely.

The packages cabal-test-hunit, cabal-test-quickcheck1, and cabal-test-quickcheck2 provide simple interfaces to these popular test frameworks. An example from cabal-test-quickcheck2 is shown below. A better implementation would eliminate the console output from QuickCheck's built-in runner and provide an instance of PureTestable instead of ImpureTestable.

 import Control.Monad (liftM)
 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, maybe)
 import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
 import qualified Distribution.TestSuite as Cabal
 import System.Random (newStdGen, next, StdGen)
 import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC

 data QCTest = forall prop. QC.Testable prop => QCTest String prop

 test :: QC.Testable prop => String -> prop -> Cabal.Test
 test n p = Cabal.impure $ QCTest n p

 instance Cabal.TestOptions QCTest where
     name (QCTest n _) = n

     options _ =
         [ ("std-gen", typeOf (undefined :: String))
         , ("max-success", typeOf (undefined :: Int))
         , ("max-discard", typeOf (undefined :: Int))
         , ("size", typeOf (undefined :: Int))

     defaultOptions _ = do
         rng <- newStdGen
         return $ Cabal.Options $
             [ ("std-gen", show rng)
             , ("max-success", show $ QC.maxSuccess QC.stdArgs)
             , ("max-discard", show $ QC.maxDiscard QC.stdArgs)
             , ("size", show $ QC.maxSize QC.stdArgs)

     check t (Cabal.Options opts) = catMaybes
         [ maybeNothing "max-success" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
         , maybeNothing "max-discard" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
         , maybeNothing "size" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
         -- There is no need to check the parsability of "std-gen"
         -- because the Read instance for StdGen always succeeds.
             maybeNothing n x =
                 maybe Nothing (\str ->
                     if reads str == x then Just n else Nothing)
                     $ lookup n opts

 instance Cabal.ImpureTestable QCTest where
     runM (QCTest _ prop) o =
         catch go (return . Cabal.Error . show)
             go = do
                 result <- QC.quickCheckWithResult args prop
                 return $ case result of
                         QC.Success {} -> Cabal.Pass
                         QC.GaveUp {}->
                             Cabal.Fail $ "gave up after "
                                        ++ show (QC.numTests result)
                                        ++ " tests"
                         QC.Failure {} -> Cabal.Fail $ QC.reason result
                         QC.NoExpectedFailure {} ->
                             Cabal.Fail "passed (expected failure)"
             args = QC.Args
                 { QC.replay = Just
                     ( Cabal.lookupOption "std-gen" o
                     , Cabal.lookupOption "size" o
                 , QC.maxSuccess = Cabal.lookupOption "max-success" o
                 , QC.maxDiscard = Cabal.lookupOption "max-discard" o
                 , QC.maxSize = Cabal.lookupOption "size" o

newtype Options Source

Options are provided to pass options to test runners, making tests reproducable. Each option is a (String, String) of the form (Name, Value). Use mappend to combine sets of Options; if the same option is given different values, the value from the left argument of mappend will be used.


Options [(String, String)] 

lookupOption :: Read r => String -> Options -> rSource

Read an option from the specified set of Options. It is an error to lookup an option that has not been specified. For this reason, test agents should mappend any Options against the defaultOptions for a test, so the default value specified by the test framework will be used for any otherwise-unspecified options.

class TestOptions t whereSource


name :: t -> StringSource

The name of the test.

options :: t -> [(String, TypeRep)]Source

A list of the options a test recognizes. The name and TypeRep are provided so that test agents can ensure that user-specified options are correctly typed.

defaultOptions :: t -> IO OptionsSource

The default options for a test. Test frameworks should provide a new random seed, if appropriate.

check :: t -> Options -> [String]Source

Try to parse the provided options. Return the names of unparsable options. This allows test agents to detect bad user-specified options.



data Test Source

Test is a wrapper for pure and impure tests so that lists containing arbitrary test types can be constructed.

pure :: PureTestable p => p -> TestSource

A convenient function for wrapping pure tests into Tests.

impure :: ImpureTestable i => i -> TestSource

A convenient function for wrapping impure tests into Tests.

data Result Source



indicates a successful test

Fail String

indicates a test completed unsuccessfully; the String value should be a human-readable message indicating how the test failed.

Error String

indicates a test that could not be completed due to some error; the test framework should provide a message indicating the nature of the error.

class TestOptions t => ImpureTestable t whereSource

Class abstracting impure tests. Test frameworks should implement this class only as a last resort for test types which actually require IO. In particular, tests that simply require pseudo-random number generation can be implemented as pure tests.


runM :: t -> Options -> IO ResultSource

Runs an impure test and returns the result. Test frameworks implementing this class are responsible for converting any exceptions to the correct Result value.


class TestOptions t => PureTestable t whereSource

Class abstracting pure tests. Test frameworks should prefer to implement this class over ImpureTestable. A default instance exists so that any pure test can be lifted into an impure test; when lifted, any exceptions are automatically caught. Test agents that lift pure tests themselves must handle exceptions.


run :: t -> Options -> ResultSource

The result of a pure test.