Simple Refinement Types

Simple Refinement Types

Refinement Types = Types + Predicates

Example: Integers equal to 0

{-@ type Zero = {v:Int | v = 0} @-}
{-@ zero :: Zero @-}
zero     =  0

Refinement types via special comments {-@ ... @-}

Example: Natural Numbers

{-@ type Nat = {v:Int | 0 <= v} @-}
{-@ nats :: [Nat]               @-}
nats     =  [0, 1, 2, 3]

Exercise: Positive Integers

{-@ type Pos = {v:Int | 0 <= v} @-}
{-@ poss :: [Pos]               @-}
poss     =  [0, 1, 2, 3]

Q: First, can you fix Pos so poss is rejected?

Q: Next, can you modify poss so it is accepted?

Type Checking

{-@ type Pos = {v:Int | 0 < v} @-}

{-@ poss :: [Pos]               @-}
poss     =  [1, 2, 3]

Type Checking Via Implication Checking.

v = 1 => 0 < v 
v = 2 => 0 < v 
v = 3 => 0 < v 

SMT Automates Implication Checking

Eliminates boring proofs ... makes verification practical.

Contracts: Function Types


{-@ impossible :: {v:_ | false} -> a @-}
impossible msg = error msg

No value satisfies false \(\Rightarrow\) no valid inputs for impossible

Program type-checks \(\Rightarrow\) impossible never called at run-time

Exercise: Pre-Conditions

Let's write a safe division function

{-@ type NonZero = {v:Int | v /= 0} @-}
{-@ safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Int   @-}
safeDiv _ 0 = impossible "divide-by-zero"
safeDiv x n = x `div` n

Q: Yikes! Can you fix the type of safeDiv to banish the error?

Precondition Checked at Call-Site

avg2 x y   = safeDiv (x + y) 2


{-@ safeDiv :: n:Int -> d:NonZero -> Int @-}

Verifies As

\[{(v = 2) \Rightarrow (v \not = 0)}\]

Precondition Checked at Call-Site

avg        :: [Int-> Int
avg xs     = safeDiv total n
    total  = sum    xs
    n      = length xs         -- returns a Nat

Rejected as n can be any Nat

\[0 \leq n \Rightarrow (v = n) \not \Rightarrow (v \not = 0)\]

How to talk about list length in logic?


Refinement Types Types + Predicates

Specify Properties

Via Refined Input- and Output- Types

Verify Properties

Via SMT based Implication Checking

Unfinished Business

How to describe non empty lists?

{-@ avg :: {v:[a]| 0 < length v } -> Pos @-}

Next: How to describe properties of structures [continue...]