The workshop will include about 40 distinguished researchers and leaders in the Formal Methods, broadly construed, and related fields, from academia, industry, and government agencies. Participation is by invitation only. Concretely, the workshop will be a combination of short talks, panels, and focussed discussion groups devoted to four areas:
New Frontiers
Education & Outreach
Adoption and Technology Transfer
To keep the workshop interactive, the agenda consists mostly of open discussions and breakout sessions.
Day One
On the first day, we will have a few short opinion talks about the status of the field, have the area chairs make opening remarks to frame the discussion in each area, and then have breakout sessions to discuss each area.
- Morning We will start with an opening address that sets the context for the workshop and the vision for the white paper, welcoming remarks from the NSF, and 2-3 short 20 minute keynote opinion talks about the successes of formal techniques, the state-of-the-art, current trends and directions.
This will be followed by a panel discussion with the area chairs, including presentations by the session chairs about a preliminary set of topics within each area. All participants will attend and contribute to this session and follow-up discussions.
- Early Afternoon
We start with fixed breakout sessions for each focus area. Each participant will be assigned a focus area. The participants for each area will meet and discuss the various questions and issues that pertain to that area. The discussion will form the basis of the section in the white paper corresponding to that focus area.
- Late Afternoon
The second breakout session will be fluid, in that after the first round of discussions, the sessions chairs and scribes will remain in the same focus areas, but other participants can move to another different group of their choosing. The chairs and scribes can summarize the previous discussion and incorporate new insights and ideas from the new participants. Finally, we will end the day with a keynote talk on obstacles and future directions in which the field should go.
Day Two
The second (half) day will be devoted to summarizing the discussions from the break out sessions, ending with possible recommendations from the chairs and panels about the important questions and future directions for the field.
- Morning
All workshop attendees will convene to hear a presentation by each focus area chair summarizing the individual group discussion, and the compiled scribe notes. This will be followed by a global discussion on the issues raised within each area. The meeting will conclude with the workshop chairs summarizing the recommendations and conclusions from each of the areas.
Funded By NSF Awarded CCF-1242686.