liquidtypes-0.1: Liquid Types for Haskell

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




Refinement Types. Mostly mirroring the GHC Type definition, but with room for refinements of various sorts.



data RType p c tv r Source




rt_var :: !tv
rt_reft :: !r


rt_bind :: !Symbol
rt_in :: !(RType p c tv r)
rt_out :: !(RType p c tv r)
rt_reft :: !r


rt_tvbind :: !tv
rt_ty :: !(RType p c tv r)


rt_pvbind :: !(PVar (RType p c tv ()))
rt_ty :: !(RType p c tv r)


rt_tycon :: !c
rt_args :: ![RType p c tv r]
rt_pargs :: ![Ref r (RType p c tv r)]
rt_reft :: !r


rt_class :: !p
rt_args :: ![RType p c tv r]


rt_bind :: !Symbol
rt_exarg :: !(RType p c tv r)
rt_ty :: !(RType p c tv r)
RExprArg Expr

For expression arguments to type aliases see testsposvector2.hs

ROth !String 


NFData PrType 
Inputable BareType 
Freshable RefType 
SubsTy String BSort String 
SubsTy String BSort BSort 
SubsTy RTyVar RTyVar SpecType 
SubsTy RTyVar RSort RTyCon 
SubsTy RTyVar RSort SpecType 
SubsTy RTyVar RSort PrType 
SubsTy RTyVar RSort RSort 
SubsTy tv ty (UReft r) => SubsTy tv ty (Ref (UReft r) (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
(Monoid r, Reftable r, RefTypable a b c r) => Monoid (Ref r (RType a b c r)) 
(SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) (RType p c tv ()), SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) c, Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv (), RefTypable p c tv (UReft r)) => Monoid (Ref r (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
(Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv r) => Subable (Ref r (RType p c tv r)) 
Subable (Ref Reft RefType) 
(Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv r) => Reftable (Ref r (RType p c tv r)) 
Inputable (Measure BareType Symbol) 
Inputable (Spec BareType Symbol) 
Functor (RType a b c) 
RefTypable p c tv () => Eq (RType p c tv ()) 
Outputable (RType p c tv r) => Show (RType p c tv r) 
(SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) (RType p c tv ()), SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) c, RefTypable p c tv (), RefTypable p c tv r) => Monoid (RType p c tv r) 
(NFData a, NFData b, NFData c, NFData e) => NFData (RType a b c e) 
RefTypable p c tv r => Outputable (RType p c tv r) 
(Subable r, RefTypable p c tv r) => Subable (RType p c tv r) 
Reftable r => Reftable (RType Class RTyCon RTyVar r) 

class Eq c => TyConable c whereSource


isList :: c -> BoolSource

isTuple :: c -> BoolSource

ppTycon :: c -> SDocSource

class (Monoid r, Subable r, Outputable r) => Reftable r whereSource


isTauto :: r -> BoolSource

ppTy :: r -> SDoc -> SDocSource

top :: rSource

meet :: r -> r -> rSource

toReft :: r -> ReftSource



:: r 
-> [Symbol]

parameters for Reft, vv + others



:: r 
-> [Symbol]

Niki: what is this fSymsadddrop for?

addSyms :: [Symbol] -> r -> rSource

dropSyms :: r -> rSource

class (Outputable p, TyConable c, Eq p, Eq c, Eq tv, Hashable tv, Outputable tv, Reftable r) => RefTypable p c tv r whereSource


ppCls :: p -> [RType p c tv r] -> SDocSource

ppRType :: Prec -> RType p c tv r -> SDocSource

class SubsTy tv ty a whereSource


subt :: (tv, ty) -> a -> aSource

data Ref s m Source


RMono s 
RPoly m 


SubsTy tv ty (UReft r) => SubsTy tv ty (Ref (UReft r) (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
(Monoid r, Reftable r, RefTypable a b c r) => Monoid (Ref r (RType a b c r)) 
(SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) (RType p c tv ()), SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) c, Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv (), RefTypable p c tv (UReft r)) => Monoid (Ref r (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
(NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Ref a b) 
(Reftable s, Outputable p) => Outputable (Ref s p) 
(Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv r) => Subable (Ref r (RType p c tv r)) 
Subable (Ref Reft RefType) 
(Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv r) => Reftable (Ref r (RType p c tv r)) 

data RTAlias tv ty Source

Refinement Type Aliases




rtName :: String
rtTArgs :: [tv]
rtVArgs :: [tv]
rtBody :: ty


(Show tv, Show ty) => Show (RTAlias tv ty) 

data PVar t Source

Predicate Variables -------------------------------------------




pname :: !Symbol
ptype :: !t
pargs :: ![(t, Symbol, Expr)]


Functor PVar 
Subable UsedPVar 
SubsTy tv ty ty => SubsTy tv ty (PVar ty) 
Eq (PVar t) 
Ord (PVar t) 
Show t => Show (PVar t) 
NFData a => NFData (PVar a) 
Outputable (PVar t) 
Hashable (PVar a) 

data UReft r Source




ur_reft :: !r
ur_pred :: !Predicate


Functor UReft 
Inputable BareType 
Freshable RReft 
SubsTy RTyVar RTyVar SpecType 
SubsTy RTyVar RSort SpecType 
SubsTy tv ty (UReft r) => SubsTy tv ty (Ref (UReft r) (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
Outputable (UReft r) => Show (UReft r) 
Monoid a => Monoid (UReft a) 
NFData r => NFData (UReft r) 
Reftable r => Outputable (UReft r) 
Subable r => Subable (UReft r) 
Reftable r => Reftable (UReft r) 
(SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) (RType p c tv ()), SubsTy tv (RType p c tv ()) c, Reftable r, RefTypable p c tv (), RefTypable p c tv (UReft r)) => Monoid (Ref r (RType p c tv (UReft r))) 
Inputable (Measure BareType Symbol) 
Inputable (Spec BareType Symbol) 

data DataDecl Source

Data type refinements




tycName :: String

Type Constructor Name

tycTyVars :: [String]

Tyvar Parameters

tycPVars :: [PVar BSort]

PVar Parameters

tycDCons :: [(String, [(String, BareType)])]
DataCon, [(fieldName, fieldType)


Functions for lifting Reft-values to Spec-values

uTop :: r -> UReft rSource

uRType :: RType p c tv a -> RType p c tv (UReft a)Source

Various functions for converting vanilla Reft to Spec

uRType' :: RType p c tv (UReft a) -> RType p c tv aSource

uRTypeGen :: Reftable b => RType p c tv a -> RType p c tv bSource

Functions for manipulating Predicates

findPVar :: [PVar (RType p c tv ())] -> UsedPVar -> PVar (RType p c tv ())Source

Traversing RType



:: (RefTypable p c tv (), RefTypable p c tv r) 
=> Bool

Whether to print reftPs or not e.g. [a]...

-> Prec 
-> RType p c tv r 
-> SDoc 

efoldReft :: Reftable r => (RType p c tv r -> a) -> (SEnv a -> Maybe (RType p c tv r) -> r -> c1 -> c1) -> SEnv a -> c1 -> RType p c tv r -> c1Source

foldReft :: Reftable r => (r -> c1 -> c1) -> c1 -> RType p c tv r -> c1Source

mapReft :: (r1 -> r2) -> RType p c tv r1 -> RType p c tv r2Source

mapReftM :: Monad m => (r1 -> m r2) -> RType p c tv r1 -> m (RType p c tv r2)Source

mapBot :: (RType p c tv s -> RType p c tv s) -> RType p c tv s -> RType p c tv sSource

mapBind :: (Symbol -> Symbol) -> RType p c tv r -> RType p c tv rSource

freeTyVars :: RefTypable t t1 a t2 => RType t t1 a t2 -> [a]Source

tyClasses :: RefTypable t3 t t1 t2 => RType t3 t t1 t2 -> [(t3, [RType t3 t t1 t2])]Source

rApp :: TyCon -> [RType p RTyCon tv r] -> [Ref r (RType p RTyCon tv r)] -> r -> RType p RTyCon tv rSource

rFun :: Reftable r => Symbol -> RType p c tv r -> RType p c tv r -> RType p c tv rSource

strengthen :: Reftable r => RType p c tv r -> r -> RType p c tv rSource

mkArrow :: Reftable r => [a] -> [PVar (RType p c a ())] -> [(Symbol, RType p c a r)] -> RType p c a r -> RType p c a rSource

mkUnivs :: [a] -> [PVar (RType p c a ())] -> RType p c a r -> RType p c a rSource

bkUniv :: RType t t1 a t2 -> ([a], [PVar (RType t t1 a ())], RType t t1 a t2)Source

bkArrow :: RType t t1 t2 t3 -> ([Symbol], [RType t t1 t2 t3], RType t t1 t2 t3)Source

generalize :: RefTypable p c a r => RType p c a r -> RType p c a rSource

normalizePds :: RefTypable p c tv r => RType p c tv r -> RType p c tv rSource

subts :: SubsTy tv ty c => [(tv, ty)] -> c -> cSource

subsTyVar_meet :: (Eq a, Hashable a, SubsTy a ty c, SubsTy a ty (PVar (RType p c a ())), Reftable s) => (a, ty, RType p c a s) -> RType p c a s -> RType p c a sSource

subsTyVars_meet :: (Eq a, Hashable a, SubsTy a ty (PVar (RType p c a ())), SubsTy a ty c, Reftable s) => [(a, ty, RType p c a s)] -> RType p c a s -> RType p c a sSource

subsTyVar_nomeet :: (Eq a, Hashable a, SubsTy a ty c, SubsTy a ty (PVar (RType p c a ())), Reftable s) => (a, ty, RType p c a s) -> RType p c a s -> RType p c a sSource

subsTyVars_nomeet :: (Eq a, Hashable a, SubsTy a ty (PVar (RType p c a ())), SubsTy a ty c, Reftable s) => [(a, ty, RType p c a s)] -> RType p c a s -> RType p c a sSource

stripRTypeBase :: RType t t1 t2 a -> Maybe aSource

rTypeReft :: Reftable r => RType p c tv r -> ReftSource

ofRSort :: Reftable r => RType p c tv () -> RType p c tv rSource

toRSort :: RType p c tv r -> RType p c tv ()Source

dataConMsReft :: Reftable r => RType p c tv r -> [Symbol] -> FReftSource

fromRMono :: [Char] -> Ref t t1 -> tSource

fromRPoly :: Ref t t1 -> t1Source

idRMono :: Ref b t -> Ref b mSource

isTrivial :: Reftable r => RType p c tv r -> BoolSource